Royce, Slate and Daisy

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"We need to halt the City." The general said.

"How would we do this? Anti-air systems and fighter wings attempting to chorale the city?" Another asked.

"We target Comstock's House and The Hand of the Prophet. But, there is another option we are looking at." General said.

"You can't be serious? We are talking that Quantum Entanglement malarkey? We can't even replicate that with 80 years of study." A third argued.

Then Royce was brought in, with a briefcase.

"Gentlemen. With the.....assistance of Robert and Rosaline, I have been able to create a device that can disrupt the City, locking it into place."

"And I'm assuming you have the Prototype for demonstration in the Briefcase there?" A general asked.

Royce looked down at the suitcase.

"No...the scale demonstration would be a waste of resources. I figured we can turn the Satellite Arrays along the Coast, with a bit of modifications, have it aimed and concentrated on the city, we can create a large scale trap. It has a 95% chance of locking down the city in place, overwriting the input made by the Comstock House and Hand of the Prophet."

"What's the other 5% chance?" One asked.

"The other is that it partially weakens the Quantum Entanglement of the structure that would eventually lead to a collapse of several districts, as in, they would fall from the sky, and collapse on the ground, at terminal velocity." Robert explained

There was a silence.

"How precise would this be. Let's use the analogy of a bomber's payload. Is it a precision strike we can hit the one building, or are we carpet bombing the area?" The Air force Major general asked.

Rosaline and Robert looked at each other, and then Royce. They looked over some notes.

"We can fine tune it to lock onto a specific structure, or we can gave it be wide ranging, though we would need quite a few Locations to target the city at the same time. At this current moment, we are going for a City Wide effect." Royce explained.

"To be exact, we are wanting to maintain the city as it is, quite a bit of our work is present and we would like to ensure that it remains." Robert explained.

"It should be known, we have one more request to make before you decide to just blow everything up. It's my brother's guilty conscience more than mine, I find the idea obtuse." Rosaline explained.

Royce looked at them.

"Not the time for this." Royce explained.

"How long would you need to set this up?" a general asked.

"It's more of turning the dishes in the direction of Columbia and inputting the signal that is needed to lock the city in place." Royce explained.

"How long?" was asked again.

"A week, long enough to have the dishes aimed in the path and the code put in with the modifications to the dishes." Royce explained.


Cornelius Slate was smiling. He was standing in the small hatch of a Bradly Fighting Vehicle, smiling.

"Such a marvelous machine! Comstock won't know what hit him!" Cornelius said.

The tank came to a stop and the turret turned, aiming at a parked vehicle. The M242 Chain gun fired, and the car door fell off as it was torn apart, making the old cavalrymen smile.

Climbing out, he met with the 7th Cavalry commander.

"It's good to know the 7th still leads the charge. I hope that you will be joining us in fighting Comstock and his pretend soldiers." Slate said.

"Well sir, even though your Rank isn't officially reinstated, there are those who respect a cavalrymen even at your age." the commander said, as he watched Slate climb down and shook the man's hand.

"Well, once the son of a whore and the idiot with the factories are taken out, I can finally rest. I might write my Memoirs, this is quite a life I have had. I just hope the true soldiers join me in battle." Slate said, before they sat down in a Humvee's passenger seat and drove back.

Slate was being allowed to familiarize himself with more modern equipment for when the attack on Columbia launched. He also had to pass a few basic standards, mostly being able to pass at the range, which he did.

Slate explained what his plan was, he would have his men take over the Hall of Heroes, from there, they would fight, disgracing Comstock's fake Legacy. The Vox Populi had provided them with some weapons, but now. He could take over far more then Comstock's hall of stolen valor.

"I have no ambition in leading a city. I just see a good man lead."


Daisy Fitzroy was walking down a dirt path on a rural farm, a Peach orchard growing on both sides of the path. Next to her, was a reporter, who was approved to come with by the army.

"You said this was where you were born?" The reporter asked.

"In a sense. Technically it was nearly 90 sum years in a different place entirely. This was my family's farm." Daisy said, looking down at the wooden fence.

"It seems like everything is the same though." Daisy added.

They reached the house, it was a two story farm house, with a porch. A woman was sitting on a rocking chair.

"Who's the old lady?" Daisy asked.

"That would be....well, it's Daisy Fitzroy, you.....but....from our timeline." The Reporter said.

Daisy walked up and looked closely, she could see it.

"Well I'll be. You're me, the one from the city in the sky." the Old Daisy said.

"We aren't the same." Daisy said.

"We are, we both fought the man to uplift those they stepped on. I marched on Washington with thousands of others. I witnessed the fall of the racists in office, I pushed the Klan out of here." Old Daisy said.

Daisy sat down across from her much older self.

"I want to know.....did I have a good life?" Daisy asked.

The Old Daisy looked out on the orchard, "It was a very good life. I had a family, my husband came and went, he passed some years back. Cancer took him. But.....He gave me children, and they gave me grandchildren. I now am just letting the twilight of my life be at peace, on the old farm of my family." 

Daisy looked across the field.

"I could understand that, but.....I didn't get a chance to really.....have that option. The People I lead, and I need to break the hold of the Founders, and liberate my people." Daisy said.

The old Daisy placed her hand on the Young Daisy. The two met each other's eyes.

"Do not be mad at the people who only follow, fools lead good people down the wrong path all too often." Old Daisy said.

Daisy looked at her older self. 

"I have done a lot of things I regret. I will be moving forward, to help my people." Daisy said.

"I wouldn't expect anything else." The Old Daisy said, "You are Daisy Fitzroy, the leader that rose up, and gave hope to your people."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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