Chapter Thirteen

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"I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty,"

"I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty,"

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"Halloween's coming up, what do you guys want to dress up as?" Cleo asked as she sat down, squeezing between Joshua and Jonah.

"I think I'm gonna go as like Catwoman or some shit," Amanda said. "I haven't decided yet though."

"We're going as Beavis and Butthead," Jonah said as he motioned between him and Joshua. "Or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum."

"That's a good one," Ozzie mumbled. "I haven't even given thought, to be honest."

"Well, good thing Jonah has an extra Spider-Man costume sitting in his closet huh?" Cleo asked with a smirk, instantly earning an eye roll from the boy sitting directly next to Lia.

"What about you, Li?" Joshua asked, looking at the girl.

She didn't notice he'd been talking to her and instead continued typing a message out on her phone. The group just shared looks of confusion, before Ozzie gently rested his hand on her arm.

Lia jumped as she wasn't expecting the sudden touch, before glancing at Ozzie. He just sent her a look, to which she then took notice of how everyone was staring at her. "What?" She asked, "Sorry."

"I asked what you wanted to be for Halloween," Joshua repeated before throwing a grape in his mouth.

"That's coming up, huh?" She asked.

"Have you not been listening for the last five minutes?" Amanda asked. She then frowned, reaching forward and pressing the back of her hand to Lia's forehead. "Do you have a fever or something?"

Lia swatted the girl's hand away, shaking her head. "No, I'm just sleepy." She admitted, "I was up all night."

"Talking to Ethan?" Cleo asked with a smirk.

"No his codename is homework, remember?" Amanda joined in, high-fiving the other girl.

"I was actually doing homework, and Ozzie was with me." Lia pointed a finger at the guy next to her.

"Yeah we were up till like three or four in the morning," Ozzie confirmed.

"Okay, well either way, what are you going to be for Halloween?" Joshua changed the subject.

"I haven't a clue," Lia answered.

"I think you could be Merida," Jonah said, motioning to his head. "You got the hair."

"The hair color, not the actual hair." Lia shook her head, "No, I've already been Merida plenty of times for Halloween."

"Daphne, from Scooby-Doo." Cleo offered, taking a bite of her food.

"You could be the Poison Ivy to my Catwoman?" Amanda asked, then let out a loud gasp. "No, wait! I'll be Harley Quinn and we can be the best dressed on Halloween!!!"

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