Short Introduction 👍

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whoa you are reading this :00 welcome!!
just some stuff before start of the book

ok first off this book is 100% for fun, as it's meant to be like a side hobby for me. There will be a bunch of silly stuff in this story cuz yes. And yes there will be many errors and mistakes throughout because I sometimes mess up with it so sorry about it. If I'm honest, I'm not good at writing lol, so there won't be a lot of description.

There may be some sensitive topics so there will be warnings at start of chapters.

Also, there is no actual update schedule so I update whenever I want. So apologies if I don't update for a chunk of time at most.

idk what this book will bring to the table, but at least I'm having fun doing so XD

no ships/romance in this book atm btw. (Just the joke of Nadwe simping for a not real character)

Characters included (with mini bio) :

🧦Socksfor1 (Socks)
-An outgoing spaceman. He loves to be adventurous and energetic. Wears rainbow socks 24/7.

🍪FatMemeGod (Meme or MemeGod)
-A silly cookie lover, loves getting into misfit. To be a doctor (fake medical degree man), and to give a laugh to his friends. Can be stupid at times.

🎙Blaza Plays (Blaza)
-A hyperactive person. He loves fooling around the most, and is known for his poop mic + golden coin. Loves doing anything fun, especially gaming.

🦀TbhHonest (Tb, Tbh, or Honest)
-Crab man. Very honest. Is a great friend when close. Mainly secretive and curious, but likes to have fun too. Possibly a hybrid human-crab.

🥖LaffenGas (Laff)
-Usually chill but can be chaotic. Sells Laff Loafs but can be a bit suspicious too. Is British.

🥤Joocie (Juice)
-British man #2. Usually a friendly person, he is. Can get into trouble, but probably not with intent.

-Monika lover and DDLC addicted. Usually called a 4 year old and wears double hats cause why not. Can get very annoyed easily and prefers staying indoors.

🧃MuffinJuice (Muffin)
-A goofy fellow. Has a hobby of riding unicycles. Likes doing things in a sense of fun attached, usually is a troublemaker in a good way..?

-Doesn't speak too often. Usually hangs out, chilling. Possibly he is the last dinosaur...? But he is a human-dino hybrid. Considered a "Furry".

🐺Woolfster (Woolf)
-A chill furry. Like Dino, he isn't really shown but is still a great person. He is a human-wolf hybird.

Other characters: (My characters/OC)

-Strange one, is kind

-BFF with Shade. Stays in shadows to be not seen.

-BFF with Shadow. Brings others to rest/cool down.

-Adventurous. Digging is their passion.

-Sea creature. Not seen much. Lurking...

(there may be get to find out!)

well honestly that's all I have to say.

p.s. when it refers to Dreamcatchers in this book, it would commonly refer to as them who gather the dreams. You'll learn more once more of the book is revealed/read.

 You'll learn more once more of the book is revealed/read

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