Chapter 11 - The Dreamcatchers

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I look around at all the merchants lined up at the town, greeting the people and doing all their business things. I decide I'd walk around to explore this place more, and maybe I'd find a magical staircase to lead me up, but that was not likely. As I head down the busy streets, I hear shouting and breaking sounds. It sounded like it was getting closer, but I also heard loud sirens. "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE TDC!" A person yells, as I turn around to see many cloaked people drifting on clouds. A person was running, more like floating actually away from them. One of the cloaked people shoot a net at him and manage to trap the person on the run. They all come down from their clouds and one puts handcuffs on him. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I MEAN NO HARM TO YOU!" The handcuffed person screams, irritated and frustrated. "We have all the right to take you away. You pose a threat to anybody in this world, so you must be imprisoned until then." One of them scoffs, laughing. They all laugh, as they walk him away.

The TDC...what could that mean? I immediately get a response, as people chant "DREAM-CAT-CHERS!" In a loud, confident voice. They must've been the people that were so important here. They seemed heroic and skillful, like an average hero. Even a child was with them, a little boy with his own little costume. "Please, just don't hurt that!" The cuffed person cries. One was holding a green gem, cased in a crab protector. "This is where your power lies. We must do everything so nobody receives any destructive powers to anyone." One says. The person starts crying, as they drag him away. I kind of felt bad for them, as if I was telling the truth, I would defend myself too. Since I literally didn't know how to get to the skies, I decide to follow the heros.

Boy, their clouds were zooming alright! I barley could even manage to follow them, as the streets were always crowded and loud. Eventually, they arrive at a building, a tall one. It had another sign, which read "DreamQuarters." Wasn't the best name, but wasn't bad. This must be like a prison cell or something, because the outside was protected my a stone wall. The Dreamcatchers let go of their clouds and swipe their card to get access to the prison. I sneakily follow them, as if I were one of them. But I um...looked out of place significantly, so I tried to stay out of peoples ways.

Looking around, I spot Shadow once again, talking to one of the DreamCatchers. I duck behind a plant and eavesdrop on their conversation. "It was nice talking to you again!" Shadow smiles as he walks away. "Have a great day!" They say. Shadow approaches the door, but stops in his tracks. He then disappears into the shadows like he always does. I was okay, I was glad. I then feel a hand touch my shoulder. "Shhhh! What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be here, obviously!" Shadow whispers in a sharp tone. I turn around and grin at him. "I'm sorry..." I say sorrowfully. "But I have a side mission. I need to save that person in the black shirt. I think he can help me." Shadow looks at me, confused. "How do you know...?" He asks, confused. "Something tells me...I don't know why!" I say.

"Alright. It's okay. I'll help you sneak in the prison centre. As a shadow, I can cloak you from anyone's vision. But you mustn't tell anyone I did this, okay?" He whispers. I nod I agreement as we did a pinky promise. "I haven't done a pinky promise in forever!" Shadow laughs and stands up. "Just hold my hand, so you are still invisible to the people here." Shadow instructs. "Which way did they go?" I point to the left side, as I could still hear the faint cries of the person being dragged to the cell. "Okay, we must approach slowly. If we mess this up, we're both doomed." Shadow says, as we slowly walk down the hallway of prison cells. "I expected their HQ to be something just for them, but it's a literal jail." I say to him. "Oh don't worry, they have many secret rooms for themselves. And don't ask how I know that." Shadow laughs.

As we keep walking down the long hallway, we hear the crying once again, with a bunch of chattering. Soon, it made clear of what they were talking about. "How did you get here? Are you part of the Nightmares?!" One shouts at them. "No! I told you, I am a traveller. I can't get out of this place without the gem!" They say. They talk to each other for a moment. "I'm afraid we'll have to keep you here until the most advanced Dreamcatchers come and deal with you. Better make yourself comfortable." One snickers, as they walk away. The person clutches the handles of the cell and keeps crying. As we got ever done slightly closer, I could see their appearance better than ever.

The person was wearing a silver mask, black shirt and dark red pants. A red sweater was tied around their waist, and they had black boots like me. When the coast was clear, me and Shadow run up to him as visible beings. "Hey, you there." Shadow whispers to him. He looks up at us, confused. "This man wants to help you." Shadow continued, gesturing to me. "We're gonna help you out, alright?" I say to him. He nods. "Oh thank you! I don't think I would escape without you!" He exclaims happily. "I'll go look around to see if anyones approaching. I'll give you a warning." Shadow says as he disappears.

" this a trick? Why are you saving me?" He asks me. "Because I think you're innocent. Those Dreamcather peoples do have the right to take you away, but you have the right to defend yourself. I'm here to let you free and get back to where you are supposed to be!" I say confidently. "Wow, you are every confident in saying that. This world isn't really like the human world, though. Things can be changed, all depending on their ruler and the accessible power." He mutters. "They are going to talk to her right now, so I can be put on a trial." I was confused by this. "Like what trial? A death one?" I ask. "No, of course not! You've heard that there is no harm in this peaceful world. I mean a banishment. They will send me to an island, far away, if I fail my trial." He says. I try opening the door, but it was (obviously) locked.

"Don't they have a key or something?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I know where my gem is. It's at where you entered, near the one at the front desk. He's usually asleep, so you can sneak past any patrollers, and get to the drawer. If it's locked, go call your friend. I've heard he's good at cracking puzzles, as he always thinks it through. With the gem, I don't need a key to get all of us out of here. " He explains to me. "But wait...if your a visitor, how do you know so much?" I curiously say. "It's not as you's a long story." He laughs. "But you have less time to get those wings or whatever if we keep chatting. It's getting dark. Go!" He says. I nod to him, and immediately tiptoe down to the entrance.


This is where more things are happening!!! Yay!!!
Hope you like it so far

(1310 words)

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