Chapter 1 - Foolin' Around

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Socksfor1 POV

Today was such a hot and peaceful day. Well, minus the peaceful haha. A bunch of my friends have came to visit me, and today we are gonna do so much! I have various fun things on the go, and I hope they'll enjoy it too. Some are arriving later, so I hope they can make it peacefully.


"Oh, not again!" I heard a voice yell in an annoyed voice. I head out to my backyard to see Blaza swimming in the pool and Joocie laughing like a mad man. "Hey! What happened here?" I ask, trying to hold back my laugh. "I was chasing him with the big boxing gloves and he tripped into the pool!" Joocie giggles. "I didn't trip! I tried getting on the bull floaty. Miserable!" Blaza shouts, annoyed. "Where's Tb?" I ask curiously. "In the Nikocado Avocado scooter." Blaza sputters, escaping the pool. Joocie helps him up this time as I let out a giggle. "How would you like it to be soaked for the millionth time?!" Blaza scoffs, and tries to dry himself off. "

"Yo! Watch out!" A voice shouts from nearby. I turn around as Tbh was riding the scooter slowly into the scene. "Like my ride?" He asks. "Obviously, the best I've ever seen" Blaza smiles, as he runs after Joocie. "AHH! Help boys!" Joocie screams as Blaza laughs like a literal maniac. Tbh gets off the scooter and laughs along with me. "We should be doing better things..." Tbh starts, then stops. "But this is funny!" He finishes in a cheery tone. I nod in agreement.

"What's the commotion out here?" Two people say. We both turn around to see Meme laughing in his mad man laugh and Laff recording as Joocie gets his karma. "Fun!" I shout, and give them a thumbs up. "The Monika simp arrived guys..." Meme announces, revealing the child with the double hats. "MONIKA FOR LIFE!" He shouts. "FAKE!" Tbh shouts, running to greet them properly. Blaza and Joocie finally stop running around, but Blaza was hugging Joocie in a trap way. "LET ME GO!" Joocie yells, attempting to kick Blaza. "NEVER!" Blaza laughs, as they head to Meme and Laff. I pick up the stuff they left and throw it by the beach chairs. Then I rush to them.

A little teasing is what Nadwe was met with. "Short, haha!" Blaza giggles. "Shut up, Blaza!" Nadwe scoffs, clutching his body pillow. "How did you manage to bring THAT?!" I laugh. Nadwe shrugs and responds with "Because I'm so swag, of course!" Nadwe smiles. Meme laughs, and Laff grins. "Alright, let's go inside! It's getting late." I suggest. Everyone decides to head back inside, Blaza going to change. "I hate you, Joocie!" Blaza shouts, but there was a hint of laughter behind it. "You are very welcome, Blaza!" Joocie responds, with a laugh as well.

Everyone decided to just chill for the remainder of the time. "We should play UNO!" Meme exclaims, grabbing the UNO cards nearby. "Sounds good mate!" Laff smiles, shuffling the cards. "Wouldn't it be smart if we played online? So we don't have to clean up a mess, you know?" Nadwe suggests. "There's only four slots for multiplayer in UNO. Since there's 7 of us, it wouldn't be fair for doubles." Joocie responds. Blaza sits down with us. "How about teams of 3 with doubles? And a person to see if others are cheating or something, if anybody wants to." Laff recommends. "I'll be the person making sure nobody cheats!" Nadwe exclaims. "When Muffin comes, we will do the double teams." Everyone agrees and gets in their groups.

"So the teams are Socks + Meme, Blaza + Tbh, and Laff + Joocie. And yes, this choice was randomized by me seeing who's sitting beside each other right now." Nadwe says. Everyone distances away from each other, as Nadwe passes out the cards. "The four year old is doing incredible things today!" Joocie teases. "And I am not rooting for you anymore." Nadwe laughs. "Ah don't worry British men, I'm just kidding. But let the game begin, in the original cycle of the order of teams I did." Nadwe says, and sits down.

It was a close game, as everyone was left with 2 cards. "UNO!" Blaza and Tbh shout in sync. Joocie and Laff l whisper to each other, and shout "UNO!" as they place down a plus four. "WHAT THE?!" Meme exclaims, snatching a card from our deck and placing it down. "UNO!" I shout for him. He placed a plus four add on. "Aw darn." Blaza sighs, as Tbh picks up more cards. Laff sets down their last card and they both cheer for victory. "WE WON!" Joocie exclaims happily. "Good game, lads." Laff smiles, and gathers the cards. "That was intense, haha!" Nadwe laughs. Everyone soon heads to their rooms for bed.

"Socks?" Nadwe asks, pulling on my sleeve. "Yeah?" I respond. "Where is my room?" I think, then say "the couch." Nadwe stares at me in shock. "Just teasing you of course! Beside Blaza's. The empty one, of course." I say. "Alright, thanks." He smiles, then heads to where Blaza was. I clean up our surrounding area, and head to my room. I brush my teeth, and change.

I close my light and lie in bed. It was gonna be a really fun time. I can already feel it. Soon I feel myself drifting off to sleep.




just a little chill chapter to start off :)
foolish crew being foolish lol

(924 words)

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