Chapter 12 - Breakout 💥

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TbhHonest POV

My heart was racing, because I never really "stole" anything from anyone. I also had a worried feeling that we'd all be jailed if I stupidly messed this up. "You can do it!" a whisper tells me. I turn around to see Shadow smiling, then disappearing again. He sure knows when people need him best.

I got back to the main entrance, as the masked man said, the Dreamcatcher was asleep, leaned back in their chair. I crouch down on my knees and try to open the drawer. Locked, dang it. The drawer then magically hears my calls and opens itself up with a slight clicking sound. I prank inside to see the emerald gem with the crab protecting outside and snatch it. The drawer closes itself (thanks to Shadow, probably) and I look around. Somebody has spotted me.

I run as fast as my legs could go, as boots weren't the best option. "INTRUDER!" The Dreamcatcher that saw me yells as many more gather to run after me. My heart was pounding even more as I never stole something ever like I said (except maybe for fun, but you get the point here). I see the masked man's hand extended from his cell so I throw the thing in the air and keep running at max speed. The sudden sirens caught my full attention, as I focused my way forward. All of them were shouting at me, and I could hear their heavy footsteps on the wood planks beneath us. Shadow was nowhere to be seen as a watcher, so I just had to hope for the best.

Just then, a force lifts me up from the ground from my stomach and we go faster than I was running. Oh, it felt as if I was really flying, it was awesome! I look up to see what was carrying me to see the masked man, with his gem around his neck like a bow tie. "Hold on tight!" He says as we head down the long corridor. "But there's no exit here!" I shout worriedly. "I know, but there is a window!" He laughs. "Don't worry, just don't let go!" He yells as we head right for the window.





I open my eyes to see we were out of the DreamQuarters place, but I could still the noise of falling glass down below. Many people were gathered to see such a scene, most looking up in awe. "Honestly, that was sick!" I shout over the wind. "Heck yeah!" He says, but immediately gets interrupted with an arrow shooting the gem, causing it to fall down like all that poor glass. We fall, right on the brick streets of HAM.

Ooh, that hurt a lot. I open my eyes to see glass pieces all over the ground and the masked man, passed out beside me. He was covered in glass shards and a bit of injuries from the fall impact. The Dreamcatchers were gonna catch up, so I used my strength to shake him awake. "WAKE UP!" I cry, shaking him with all my might. "Huh...?" He groans, sitting upright. "They're coming!" I shout, and he realizes what trouble we were in. "Oh, where is it?" He exclaims, looking around. He limps over to the broken pieces of his gem. "No..." he whispers, trying to gather all the pieces quickly. I get up, but it was sure painful. Everything hurt and ached again...I didn't like that feeling. It was the similar feeling of when I got here. "Come!" He shouts, limping away. I grab a remaining piece from his gem and sprint after him. "They're gonna catch us!" He sighs.

I take him by the chest and lift him into my arms. "What the heck do you think you're doing?!" He exclaims, confused. "Saving us both, that's what." I smile as I run again to the shorelines. Many people were gathered for the ceremony, so I could confuse the Dreamcatchers there. "Hey..." the masked man whispers. "Huh?" I ask. "You didn't go to the ruler just to save me...thank you." He smiles. "Of course." I say back, manoeuvring through the crowded bunch of people. "We can't make it, they're gonna gain on us. You must go without me." He croaks. "Even without the wings, you must leap into the blessed waters when the people cheer loudly. That's your escape home that nobody told you." He explains. I nod, but I simply wouldn't let go of him. I needed to end this once and for all. I leap forward and a breeze picked us up.

"I don't know what to expect, because somehow we're flying!" he gasps, as I fly through, wobbling. "How's I get these?!" I say, confused. "I think I have done much for this realm so Eclipse, the ruler, has given you them to complete this once and for all...she can basically do anything in her world..." he whispers. I could hear the Dreamcatchers shouting for us, so I panicked. "Get to the water!" He commands me, as I do so. I wasn't great at flying because this was obviously my first time, so I crash near the shoreline. It was right by a beautiful woman leading the ceremony, shining as bright as the moon. "Eclipse..." he whispers. That was the person I was supposed to meet...fascinating. I wipe off the dirt quickly as Dreamcatchers soon enough surround us.

"Go!" He shouts, as they raise their weapons at us. "Surrender now, both of you, or there will be serious consequences!" One of them shouts. I can't go even if my escape is only a few steps away...I must fight. I take out my fists as he looked at me in confusion. "I won't give up!" I yell confidently, holding my fists out. I flap my magically existing wings as charge right for one. The masked man groans, but he went and charged too. I punched many, and other knocked me down. I wouldn't give up. One approaches from behind, grabbing onto the Dreamcatcher Wings. I kick them off immediately, but our little fight got interrupted very shortly.

"STOP!" Eclipse yells. She approaches us as the Dreamcatchers bow down to her. Even the masked man did so too, so I followed. "What is the meaning of this, Dreamcatchers?!" She exclaims, upset. "You are interrupting the ceremony!" One of the Dreamcatchers come forward. "They've escaped, one of them tried to free the other and they've broken the glass on the DreamQuarters!" They protest. "Well, they must've had a reason, right?" She said in a soft voice. She turns towards us. "Go on, go to the waters. They are ready. The wings chose you to be freed. And you, the one in the mask. We will make a deal, but I carefully said that there will be no fighting in this place EVER!" She says. "Sorry Eclipse. We apologize for our wrongdoings." The Dreamcatchers say in sync.

"Aren't you going to go?" She asks me. She gestures to the water, which was sparking more than ever. "I..." I start. "Just please take good care of him...and thank you." I finish, bowing to her. She smiles in a pleased tone. "Manners you have, and I'm proud. We will repair the gem and he will be sent back to where he belongs, not a prison. He will be take good care of. We need to change the prison into something more effective, yeah?" She suggests. "Thank you...!" he says, bowing to her too. "Of course." She says. "All guests should be given a chance. Dreamcatchers, I am dissatisfied that you didn't being this problem to me first!" She scoffs disappointedly. The Dreamcatchers lower their heads in shame. Eclipse now grabs my hand and walks me to the water.

"It's cold." She whispers. "Just walk in. Clear your mind. You will be home, my child." She says soothingly. I let go of her hand slowly, and my feet sink below the waters. One final goodbye. I turn around and wave to the masked man. "I didn't get a name, or a nickname." I shout. He chuckles. "Call me Ghost. Thank you for everything!" He smiles brightly as he was escorted away. I breathe slowly, and I leap into the waters. I was tired, so I was satisfied to get some rest. It's been a long day, and I'm glad it's all coming to a happy ending...




Home at last, right?
(1422 words)

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