Chapter 5 - Regrets

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Meme POV

I warned him, but I knew I could've done much more to do something. My senses prevented me from moving at the time, just a shout. It wasn't enough, it all wasn't enough. I wasn't fast enough, I really could've done it. But, I didn't. It all happened like a blink of an eye. It was something personally I never seen before, and I now understood.


"Meme!" Socks says, in a worried voice. He rushes down the hospital hallways and gave me a big embrace. "How is he doing?" He asks me. "I don't know, Socks. I can only supervise him here and there since I am not trained enough for situations like this. You know I'm still in school. All I can say is that he will be fine. Don't worry, Socks." I say in a semi-calm voice. "I know...I know.." Socks cries. I hug him as he lets his tears soak my doctors coat. "I'm sorry, Socks. I wish I did something.." I say to him, my voice getting weary. "No, no. It's not your fault. It's not any of our fault. Nobody could've reacted fast enough to prevent the situation" Socks responds. He wipes away his tears, and waves goodbye. "See you later, Meme." He says. "Yeah, see you. I'll be back in an hour." I respond, as I wave back.


I come home, as most of the crew were sitting down, on their devices. "Hey..!" I say to them, to lighten the mood. "Hi Meme! How was..." Blaza says, then paused. "Good. Don't worry, he is okay." I ensure them. "I hope so.." Nadwe pouts, hugging his Monika body pillow tightly. "We have to just hope for the best." Socks answers in a soft tone. "We are all here for a limited amount of time, we have to cherish it. Even if that means, yes, trying to not remember what happened." Socks explains. "This is our time to be together...even though it's not all of us." he continues. "So you are saying we mostly forget about it, and pretend nothing happened?" Blaza asks him. "Yes...sadly." Socks responds.

It may have taken time a long time to agree, but they did. It may be a hard thing to do, but all things happen for a reason, right? All of us now have to hope that he is okay, and that he will return to us. But one thing's for sure, we will miss him dearly from his absence.

A shorter chapter than ever whoa
I didn't have much ideas for this part tbh..
(434 words)

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