Chapter 7 - Underground Adventurer

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TbhHonest POV

A trail was leading thicker into the forest, and the sun beamed down brightly on the path. It seemed like a long way to the awaited place, so I stopped by to touch the clouds. I reach for one, but as I expected, it felt like mist. There were many everywhere, with more colour variants as you look. It was mesmerizing, like a rainbow. Something wanted me to venture off the path, but when I stepped off it, I tripped. I slowly get back on my feet to see holes everywhere, throughout the grounds off the path. Curiously, I looked in the hole, hoping to see something. No luck, whatsoever.

"Hey! What're you doing off the path?" A faint squeak told me. In one of the holes, lies a creature with many colourful spots. It slightly looked like a gopher but it had been splashed with the colours of the clouds. "Whoa, you look cool!" I compliment it. "Oh me? Thank you!" It responds happily. "Sometimes I'm embarrassed of my colours, since all my friends tease me about being a rainbow and an eyesore." It sighs. "I think it looks awesome. Don't let it get to you!" I exclaim. "Your so kind! I am called Dig here, since my main hobby like my kind is to dig! We help plant more cloud trees everyday and make sure nature flourishes among this place!" Dig says. "But you my friend, you don't look like you're from around here, huh? What's your name?" They ask.

"Uhhhh....I guess it's Tsunami while I'm here?" I laugh. "That's cool! I don't get to spend a lot of time at the waters." Dig responds. "Do you want to visit the underground? It can help you get to the main town. Only if you'd like, of course!" Dig offers. "Sure, why not!" I say cheerfully. Usually I wouldn't trust a talking animal, but they did say no harm is in this place. Dig digs a hole wide enough in a quick amount of time. "Come, slide down the hole. You'll get to see the underground world amongst this place! I can also lend you some stuff to assist you." Dig tells me, and slides down the hole. I hesitated, looking in the hole. But it would be cool to see what's under there, so I position myself to go down. I use my arms to move me gently, until the hole did the rest of the sliding.

It felt like I was on a water slide, but without the water. It was a bit bumpy, but it was fairly enjoyable. I went to a full stop, as I didn't feel myself moving. Looking around, it was pitch dark, and I couldn't see a thing. "Hello?" I call out, but no reply. "Wait there!" Dig shouts, as I heard feet scurrying through. Dig was back, with a lantern. "These lanterns are used for the festival tonight, but I think it would be fine if you used it today." Dig smiles. "And yes, my kind can see underground. But we put lights for any visitors." I follow him to a door, made out of smooth wood. He opens the door and gestures me in. I come inside to see a small but nicely decorated burrow. "Pretty!" I compliment, and Dig laughs. "I need to give you a few things so you know what to do around this place. Follow again." Dig instructs, and I do so.

He leads me to a small door, smaller than me this time. "Guess you'll have to wait out here. I don't have any shrink or grow potions on me." Dig says, crawling through the opening. I sit down in the burrow, looking around as I do. There was a small kitchen, a living room and a bedroom, which door was slightly open. Most of them look human sized, but probably because Dig can use growth potions to do so. "Could I have a bit of help, Tsunami?" Dig asks, yanking on a couple of boxes. I quickly assist him as I slide out the boxes with no effort.

"Alright, as promised, stuff! I got you a lantern, a bag and a compass. It may not be a lot, but it will guide you. The compass always points towards the village, so if you get lost, use it!" Dig holds up the stuff to me and I grab it. They all turn into holdable objects in my hand. "That's cool, isn't it? Some objects grow to be a compatible size with the user using the stuff." Dig smiles, scurrying to the kitchen. He stuffs something into my mouth. It tasted...nutty. "That's my nut pie you just tried, isn't it delicious?" Dig asks, getting a few pieces and putting them into containers. "Tasty and creamy. Thank you!" I thank, he giggles. He stuffs some more things into my pocket, size of a coin. "If you grab those, they will turn into human size. Now I'll dig you a tunnel back up there, just be sure not to be slow!" Dig shouts, immediately digging a hole to the surface.

I grab my parasol, lantern and stuff the compass into my pocket. Then, I quickly run after Dig. "Wait up!" I shout, panting. He sure was digging a long path for me. "Slow poke!" I heard him shout as little dirt bits fall from his direction. I soon had to get on all fours to fit in the hole, but gladly I could see the light. Dig met me at the surface, sitting at a cloud tree patiently. "Finally!" He exclaims, giving me a hand to get out of the hole. "Figured you needed a bit of a boost to get farther through this forest. Now go on! I may be near, looking for nuts. Good luck on your journey!" He says, hugging my leg. I pat him on his head and again thanked him for what he did for me. Soon, I got back on the path and walked to my escape from this cloudy place!


What's the weather? Oh it's always cloudy, cause there's clouds everywhere! Haha, it's mostly sunny, actually.

Also Ty for 100+ reads I really appreciate it! :)❤️
(1040 words)

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