Chapter 9 - Beach Break 🏝

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TbhHonest POV

Every step I went, it seemed like it was an endless trail into even more forest. Sometimes, I wanted to lay down on the prickly grass and float away from my consciousness. Something reminded me whenever I did have that feeling that I was on a mission. And when I get to the finish line, it would all be worth it every step of my journey.


After what seemed like forever, I see a town up ahead. It had a calm vibe to it, as I could see the colours were light and appealing to look at. Some things weren't still clear to me, like who I was. Somehow, I couldn't remember the past or anything before I've gotten to this place. They never told me why, which confused me greatly. Tsunami is an alright name for me, I suppose, but I know there's a better name for me. I should be associated with something red, as I examined my outfit to be almost head to toe with it.

Something that also bothered me is the constant aching and pain I get. Not even a few steps and something already would irritate me enough for me to have to take a break. Maybe it's from the constant tiredness I am experiencing, or maybe it's an unknown cause. Whatever it is, I hope it stops because it's really getting on my nerves lately.

The path got less steep, so it wouldn't hurt my boots as much. They've already been through a lot today, covered in mud and scratches here and there. The path was still far from the town, so I decide to stop by a small beach not far from the main path. I head there with no worries whatsoever. I needed a space to relax and take my mind off this confusing but wonderful world I got myself into. As I arrive on the beach, I could see the sky more clearly. I guess there was earlier sunsets here, but I wasn't complaining. The sunset was really pretty, illuminating the sky with many vibrant colours. I sat down on the sand, staring at the light blue waters. It was silent, but a good type of silent.

"Hey, we meet again, huh?" A voice laughs. I look behind me to see Shadow. "Nice seeing you intact! Haha! Just teasing you, of course." Shadow giggles, coming out of the shadows and sitting beside me. "I don't come out of the shadows a lot, I prefer to spectate than be involved. Shade is probably at the town square, giving out parasols and doing tricks for the people. He is like a brother to me, a crazy one." Shadow says to me. He looks at me. "Do you like me talking? Or am I annoying you?" I look at him with a smile. "Of course not! I like listening too, but it's still fun to do stuff too." I respond. He smiles again, and stands up.

"I suppose we didn't give you a proper enough explanation, huh? Shade is always in a rush, but I like to take things slow. You want me to or do you just want to sit here?" He asks. "I would love an explanation. It's up to you, though. Whatever your comfortable with." I say to him.

"Your responses make me feel nice, thank you for your understanding." Shadow thanks me. "So we explained this world, and what you were supposed to do. I guess your almost there, to the safety. But our ruler, how would you get to her exactly? A pair of the Dreamcatcher's Wings, otherwise known as the Wings of Wisdom. Where do you find them exactly? The location always shifts, so nobody but the Dreamcatchers can access them. It can also be given out to selected people when they need it the most. I think most are in grasp of our ruler, though. You'll have to travel on the clouds, and yes clouds are more suspended and secure so anyone can stand on them."

"But back to the Dreamcatchers. Who are they? Well, the Dreamcatchers are the people who have been guarding this place for as long as history can remember. They have a goal: A good reflection of life for those who await rest, and to only give them the positives about their life. They don't visit often, but tonight they definitely will. Dreamcatchers are hosting the yearly Dream Festival! It's where everyone gathers to celebrate another year successful of freedom to those who deserve it. That's all I can tell you, unfortunately. You may ask our ruler for more. She knows all." Shadow finishes. "Whoa, that's a lot!" I gasp, fascinated. "Such a complex place, but yet such a beauty!" Shadow nods in agreement. "Truly a lucky place to have."

"Before you go, Shadow. I have one more question." I say as he starts to leave. He turns around and says "What's up?" "Why don't I remember anything?" I ask. He seemed stunned from the question. "Well, I'm not supposed to tell any of the visitors...I'm sorry. You'll get them back soon, I'm sure. I don't have any control about the memory systems of people like you. But I have to go deal with Shade again. I'll probably see you at the festival, so I'll see you!" Shadow says cheerfully, disappearing through the shadows of the trees.

Well, at least I found out more about those wings and their ruler. But it was odd as I couldn't have anything from my mysterious past. Maybe it's for my own good. Yet, I seek for it back, thinking once again. I miss my life, whatever it was. I can feel it meant something to me, something truly special. I yearn to find it soon, as I get more tired form my adventure. I lie on the ground, staring at the crashing waves that arrive at shore. last...


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