Chapter 10 - Sea me! 🌊

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TbhHonest POV

Something was in the waters...I could hear swimming somewhere nearby me. It started to worry me, so I wiped all the sand off me as I got up and slowly backed away. It was a big one, as more waves crashed loudly on the shore. I try to spot it swimming in the water, but it seemed like it was hiding from me.

All of a sudden, a big sea monster revealed itself to me, with a big splash. I may have gotten a bit wet, but the sea creature was huge! It's long neck reached up to the sky, like it could fly off there too. It leans its neck down to see me, mesmerized by its appearance. "Hello." It says to me, leaning it's head down on the sand. I walk towards it, and put my hand on its snout. "Hi, I like your scales and fins." I compliment. The sea creature was happy, so it closed its eyes while I pet it. "Thank you. I am here to guide you to finish your trip in this place." It says to me. "Really?" I say. It nods its head as I back away a few steps.

"My name is Coral, or Cora for short I guess. I am what's known as a sea serpent, a myth. But the dreams can bring me alive, to actually exist amongst the cool waters of the Dreamcatchers. Isn't that fascinating, don't you think?" Coral says enthusiastically. "Yeah, that is cool!" I respond. "I heard the dream lands also too have mystical creatures roaming around. It's nice they get somewhere to stay, too." Coral smiles. "Want a ride? It will be quicker than using your tiny legs, no offence." Coral offers me. "Sure, but how would I stay on you?" I ask. "Hold onto my antennas. It won't hurt me, don't worry. Hug also to my neck like your life depends on it, which it actually does, haha." Coral instructs me. She leans her head back on the sand and I climb onto her neck. The antennas were slim, but enough to suspend me on the creatures back.

"Can you breathe underwater?" She asks me. "I don't know..." I say honestly. "Well you look like a crab, so let's find out!" Coral exclaims excitedly as she quickly dives underwater. I hold my breath as long as I could, and I could see what was under the water for the first time. It was a coral reef, many fish swimming gracefully in their little groups. "Whoa!" I exclaim, then realize I used my breath. "Hey, hey! Calm down. It seems like you can breathe under here, after all! Just stay relaxed, so the wildlife here won't get startled." Coral says to me. "Alright then." I answer. She swims quickly, showing me all her favourite places in the underwater kingdom. "Sure is cool, isn't it? Too bad it gets covered by those clouds at day, because the water is stunning then. Let's get back to our goal, bringing you to the town square." Coral says, heading to the surface. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she gets closer. "You'll see. It'll be fun, I promise!" She says.

She immediately jumps as she reaches the surface, as I feel the cold breeze all over my body. The view was breathtaking, as I could see the whole place from up here! Even...a person on the clouds. Was that their ruler? Too bad I couldn't ask as the crashing waves made it hard to be heard by her. "Almost there!" She shouts, as she glided along the waterside, making a foamy trail. The water as we gone splashed all over me, soaking me from head to toe. At least I could appreciate that it was refreshing and made me more attentive to my surroundings.

"We're here!" Coral shouts as I take a moment to react. "Oh, thank you so much!" I exclaim, hugging her neck. "It's no problem! If you need any assistance whatsoever, you know where to find me!" Coral laughs. "Now, your time may be running out, even though it's only evening. Time can be confusing here, so you better chop to it! See you! Get it? Sea? Alright I'll go!" Coral says to me joyfully and launches herself back into the water, splashing more water on me. Ah yes, it was refreshing but also a pain because it was freezing when I wasn't moving. I look around at my surroundings, realizing I was standing at a gate. There was a sign, it read:

Welcome to the Place of Hopes and Memories. A home to all who rest before their final destination.

I was finally here, at last! I take a few steps in, and I could instantly see many people gathered around everywhere. It was like a street market, where many people would buy many things that they would need for their satisfaction. As I walk, I arrive at the town square, which had a giant fountain with glimmering water pouring out steadily. I lean out to touch it, and it felt good. I smile at the thought, but I still needed to get to the ruler. Nobody ever said how I was supposed to get the wings or to the ruler if they were up above. I try to ask a few passing people but many of them said I'd have to figure it out on my own. I guess I just have to take my chances without any more help.
I was all on my own.


(931 words)

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