Chapter 6 - Hopes & Memories

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TbhHonest POV

Everything aches. The pain won't stop, it bugs me significantly. I try to get up, getting half my body off the ground. The ground...wait a minute. Why was the ground sand? Was I at a beach? I look around to observe more of my surroundings. It wasn't familiar to me, it was a new view. A forest was behind me, and the water was surrounded by many clouds. Why was I here? Well, I better find out then.

As I stumble to my feet, I heard whispers from nearby. I couldn't see who or what was making the noise, which puzzled me. That's also the moment I realize I didn't even know my own name. How stupid am I? Very. Or it was me being very forgetful. I try recalling it by pacing in circles, but no luck. I could hear the whispering sounds turn into soft giggles. "Come out! I'm not afraid of you!" I yell towards the forest. The bushes made a small sound, and I could hear footsteps approaching.

"Can you see me?" A voice asks. I look around, shaking my head. "Now can you?" It asks. I turn back to the forest to see a dark figure fellow with a parasol behind their back. "Hello. I've been awaiting your arrival." They say to me, with a smile. "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask them. "I knew you'd come here. It may not be a good thing, but I'm here to guide you." They respond. They take their parasol and open it to the sun. Walking up to me, they offer their parasol. "You may need shade throughout the forest. It can get heated in there!" They say, holding out their umbrella. I take it from them. "Why are you giving this to me?" I ask them. "Protection. And oh! So rude of me, but my name is Shade! I protect visitors with my many umbrellas and parasols. That is my duty here." Shade says, with a laugh. "You can also use it to poke people, if you'd like."

"Thank you!" I say. "Of course!" Shade smiles. "Hey, don't forget about me!" A person calls out. Somebody that looks a bit like Shade runs from the forest, towards us. "You forgot about me :(" the person says to Shade. "No I didn't! I would never forget about you, your my bestest friend ever!" Shade exclaims, pulling them into a tight hug. "This is my coolest companion ever, Shadow! Shadow prefers to stay in the shadows, and shows people their true selves." Shade explains. Shadow pushes away from the embrace and shakes my hand. "You may see me around more often than this gremlin, though. He likes to be around groups." Shadow says. "I think I'd prefer to stay away from the judgemental eyes of the citizens here, anyways."

"Wait, before you continue, what is this place? Why am I here?" I question. "Oh, we forgot our explanation to him." Shade gasps. "Firstly, what's your name? You never told us." Shadow asks. I think for a moment, trying to recall it. "I don't know..." I finally announce. "Well that's goo- I mean unfortunate. Let's just call you by a nickname, perhaps?" Shade stutters. "How about...Tsunami? It relates to the ocean, which you are dressed in a crab outfit." Shadow says excitedly. "Alright. It'll be a replacement name I suppose. Now, we need to talk about why your here." Shade says.

"So firstly, your here because this place is supposed to be a place where living things can rest before they go into The Eternal Slumber (TES). The name may confuse you, your not actually in one when your there, just a name for the place. You somehow got here...meaning um...anyways! This place is called The Place of Hopes and Memories. Or HAM, for short, haha." Shade explains, laughing. "Mmmm, I remember the taste of ham! It's was delightful." Shadow laughs.

"Anyways, people can get out of this place and prevent themselves from going to TES. They must go to our ruler, which name is only for the worthy ones to know. Just kidding, you'll find out anyways. They live up, amongst the clouds, making sure there's no harm or threats anywhere. You must ask them what you have to do in order to be freed from this place. They will give you the Wings of Wisdom, which it is your faith with the wings to be guided to your freedom. But there is one twist, since there's not any harm around you." Shadow clarifies. "What's that? I say curiously. "Well, Tsunami, it's that you can't fall asleep. If you do, you drift yourself to TES. Then you can never get back. This mission is required a maximum one day, so I recommend you use your time wisely." Shadow says. "You may see us, so say hi! We are always there to help you!" Shade adds enthusiastically. "He is right." Shadow says. "I wish you luck, as we have to get going. We hope you all our luck throughout your journey here at HAM!" They say in sync, and run away, until they weren't visible in the forest.

I recalled what they told me throughout that time, I needed to talk to their ruler and get wings. Then I would be freed. It wouldn't be hard to remember. They still didn't answer why I couldn't really remember my past. But I suppose I'd find out anyways. I open the parasol Shade gave me and walked right into the forest. The trees were made out of clouds and strings of many colors. It reminded me about someone, but a name wasn't found. I wish I can return to wherever I was supposed to belong. I must complete this mission and do my best to be freed, even though this is so confusing to me.

Might as well explore this place first. What harm can it do, really?


how did he get there...?
(1000 words)

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