Chapter 3 - Double Trouble

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Nadwe POV

A new day arises, and today was the day Muffin comes over! It would be more fun with him, as I won't get teased about my age so often. Plus, MuffinJuice has the best game ideas when it comes to boredom. I should probably get ready, as Socks always has another plan up his sleeve.


I was the first one to wake up, considering the time was 5:30am. I grab my laptop and sit on a chair beside my body pillow, pulling up Doki Doki. Ah, more time with my Monika. I put my headphones in and start playing. I had this mod where it was just me and Monika. Definitely my favourite mod of all time, including all of Socks' mods.

While I was playing, I heard a knock. I take off my headphones and stare at the door. Maybe it was just a part of the game, or my ears were deceiving me. I put my headphones back on and continue playing. I heard another knock, but I was sure it wasn't from the game. I take off my headphones and set my computer aside. I stare at the door, waiting for another knock. Another knock. "LET ME IN!" A familiar voice shouts, and knocks on the door, but louder. "Huh?" I say out loud. "NADWEE! LET ME IN PLEASE!" The voice said. "Muffin?" I ask. "I MEAN WHO ELSE?!" Muffin scoffs, then continues to knock on the door. I get up with my Monika by my side and open the door.

"Sorry I'm not allowed to answer the door to strangers." I tease. "WHAT?! When was I a stranger to you?!" Muffin exclaims. I giggle, and let him in. "My parents dropped me off early since they have stuff to do." Muffin says, putting his stuff by the stairs. "Oh alright." I respond. "You missed the best day, yesterday we went on many rides and got a bunch of snacks!" I tell him. "I wish I could've been there earlier. But I'm here now!" Muffin smiles. "I'm playing DDLC." I say to him as I sit back down. He sits in a seat beside me. "I suppose we just wait for the others." I say. "Alrighty. I'll just play Clash of Clans then." Muffin answers.

We both put on our headphones and play our separate game without any conversation whatsoever. "Do you still have your clan?" I ask him. "Huh?" He says, confused. "AMOGUS. That clan." I say. "Oh yeah, I still have it." He answers. We stay quiet for a bit. I try to think of a way for us to talk to each other with a good topic. "You know I think I should show you around Socks' house." I tell him. He looks at me and takes off his headphones. "That's a good idea. Go on and show me!" He smiles, putting his device away. I set my stuff to the side and show him around Socks' house.

"Why don't we make breakfast for the idiots? Maybe bake someone good?" Muffin asks. "That's a great assumption, that you think I could possibly bake." I respond. "Don't worry, I'll try to do it. Teamwork effort, am I right?" Muffin says. "Totally." I laugh. We find some ingredients and place them on the table. "Okay, so baking. What do you want to bake?" Muffin asks. "Hmmm....muffins." I smirk. "WHAT?! Absolutely not. I am the only important muffin needed in this house. Let's just bake um...bread." Muffin says. "Awwww! Okay. How do you make bread, then?" I ask. Muffin stops, and thinks. "Ummm...." He says. "Do you not know how?" I ask. "Of course I do..! I just um...need a cookbook...?" He nervously says. I laugh as I grab one from a bookshelf. "Okay...let me just find the page real quick.." Muffin says, skimming through the pages.

"Aha! Here it is! How to make bread." Muffin says. He reads out all the instructions carefully, using his finger to guide him. "I have no clue what I just read." Muffin laughs. I giggle, and snatch the book from him. "Oh it's pretty simple. I think us two can do this alone. It just requires a few little steps, nothing too crazy to worry about. I think." I say, while reading. "Alright. Let's start!" Muffin exclaims.


Well...your expecting an update on the bread. The good news's bread and we did it...sort of. The bad news is...we may have done way too many oopsies while doing so. "This tastes like absolute poop!" Muffin coughs, as he chews the bread slowly in his mouth. "Oh it can't be that bad, right?" I ask him. "Nadwe, don't you dare, NADWE!" He yells as I take a bite. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I scream, coughing it out of my mouth. "Absolutely disgusting." I described to Muffin. He agreed very very much. We had to throw away the bread (not like the crew would enjoy crispy burnt bread anyways) and now was faced with a new problem. We made a mess. A huge one. We may have also...caused a fire. Let me simulate how it went.

"Hey, is it ready yet?" Muffin asks. I look to check on the bread, and it looked fine. "Yeah, why?" I respond. "It it's burnt." He says. I look back at the bread. "It doesn't look burnt, what do you mean?" I say, confused. "Nadwe..?" He says. I turn to him, holding an empty bowl. "What?" I ask. He stayed silent. "WHAT?!" I yell. He looks behind me and I look too. The oven was on fire.

"PUT IT OUT" I scream. Muffin puts water on it, but it just went to even bigger flames. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out quickly. Now a new problem: everything was burnt or a complete mess. Thankfully it didn't trigger the fire alarm, which was surprising. But then, we spent a bunch of time cleaning and trying to get the burnt spots to not look like burnt spots. And now one more problem, the last one. An explanation. Let's say it went horribly and we weren't allowed to cook alone unless we knew what we were doing. But at least we had a fun time...? Just because of that we didn't go out for the day. But it was still a fun time. Just without the cooking part, haha. At least Laff made Laff Loafs as a replacement and they actually tasted awesome.

-Just a bit of fun with them once more XDmore soon

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Just a bit of fun with them once more XD
more soon...maybe more than just fun and games...

(1110 words)

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