Chapter 8 - Staying Positive! 🌅

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Nadwe POV

It's been a week since the tragedy. It felt like it went by so fast, yet so slow. Even if Tb never talked a lot, he was still fun. Plus, he shared the same birthday as me, which was surprising. Once you get to know him, he's a wonderful friend to have. Losing him would be tragic.


I sit by the pool outside, on my computer once again. I was hanging out with Monika on that mod. She was in the process of flirting with me, but of course someone interrupted me, turning off my computer. "Heyyyy Nadwe!" Socks laughs, with a wide smile. "Socks, hey! Was it really necessary turning off my computer?" I groan. "Of course it was. This is important news, after all!" Socks exclaims. "What news?" I ask, but he just hurried away. "HEY!" I yell, setting my computer down and running as fast as I could after him. Finally, I caught up with him in the living room, where everyone else was too.

"Alright!" Meme yells over the noise. Most of them didn't notice he started talking so Socks yells it for him, and they all quieted down. "So, I can bring a few of you to visit him. Only two, though. Who'd like to visit him?" Meme says. Everyone immediately raises their hand, including me. "Uhhhhhh....Blaza! Use the coin!" Meme laughs. "So I have this one golden coin, and it'll decide if you get to go or not! Wait there's only two sides and there's more than two of us here." Blaza says. "ME!" me and Muffin shout out, and Blaza giggles. "Alright, since they said it first, they get to go." Meme says. "YAY!" We both exclaim excitedly, as I rush upstairs. I grab the awaiting gift for Honest on my bed and get my boots on. "Get in the car, slow pokes!" Socks yells to us, smiling. "I CALL SHOTGUN!" Meme exclaims, rushing past Socks and getting to the front seat.

Me and Muffin strap on our seatbelts in the back as Socks gets the engine ready to go. "Where is it again?" Socks asks MemeGod uncertainly. "You have a flipping GPS, Socks! Just a use that." Meme scoffs. "Alright, okay." Socks mutters, setting the GPS up. Now we were on our way there. I look outside to watch all the clouds in the sky make up little images in my head. That cloud looked like a face. And that one looked like an angel. Muffin gave me a concerned look so I pointed to the sky. "What's so exciting about those clouds?" He asks me. "They're cool, I guess! I like to see what shapes and stuff they can form." I answer. "Ohh, I do that too." Muffin laughs and he comes and stares out my window.

Socks turns the radio on, finding a instrumental song. "Why'd you do that?" Meme asks him. "The silence is too loud. Even if that statement doesn't even make a bit of sense, you get what I mean." Socks says. "Hey, look! A spider!" I exclaim. "Huh? Where?!" Socks yells a bit too loudly. "Just messing with you, of course. Sorry, haha! You should've seen your face." I giggle. "Ohh, your recalling to the time where Socks almost-" Muffin says, but got interrupted by Socks. "We don't talk about that." Socks laughs. "Oh yes we do. Every time I see a creepy crawly, it reminds me about that exact story." Meme chuckles. "Shut your silly mouths. We're here, finally." Socks announces as he parks. We all get down and approach the building.

Meme was wearing his work outfit, so he was immediately allowed access. "Come on!" He smiles, walking down the long hallways. We all rush after him, and he was pretty fast for those legs of his. Finally, we found him talking to another doctor in the building. The doctor waves at Meme and heads away as Meme opens the door cautiously. "Hey, you guys are here! Took you long enough." Meme teases as we all peak inside. The room as like any other patient room: plain walls, tools everywhere, and a patient (obviously). He was lying in the bed, wrapped in the classic hospital blanket. Meme slowly walks over to one side of the bed and checks his vitals. "He's good." Meme says. I first walk over to him. He had bandages all over him, which slightly worried me.

"Hey, I wanted to give you something while your in recovery, Honest." I say in a whisper. Then, I place my childhood stuffed animal on his bedside: a sea monster. I never did consider it a monster, though. It's scales were always pretty, the yellow and pink were the best clash of colours in my opinion. "I never had a name for them. I suppose you can decide, right?" I continue. Even if the kid's toy was worn out and a bit broken, I think it would be a great protector to him from now on. I'd miss having that stuffy by my side everyday, but I knew it was for the better good. Muffin approaches beside me, and whispers a few things to him. "I'm sorry..." Meme sighs, but Socks stops him from leaving. "Hey, how many times do I have to say that it's not your fault? Your helping him, and that's a big thing, Meme. You being a real doctor for once!"

Meme couldn't take it anymore, as he laughs in his usual maniac laugh. "Oh shut up, Socks!" He giggles. "I am the best doctor and the only doctor for our group! I am happy to help you, even a bald spaceman too!" Meme snickers. "HEY!" Socks exclaims, laughing too. Me and Muffin let out a little laugh, too. Those two were always being stupid. Never can be serious, can they? We stayed there for an hour, talking about past memories to each other. It was a mere reminder about how we had our own journeys, and  that we could help each other every step of the way.

That day, I really enjoyed. It was filled with resentment and sadness, but also happiness and nostalgia. Now, I hope Tbh will take good care of the stuffy. I let him decide a name to call her, even though I already knew her name. Let her protect Honest with her very life, as I trust in her dearly.


Hi 👋
(1072 words)

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