Chapter 2 - Touch the sky! ☁️

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Meme POV

*Knock knock*


*Knock knock knock*

"What?" I mutter, not wanting to get up.

"Meme! Meme! Get ready!" Blaza shouts from the other side excitedly.

"Why?" I ask. "We are going to the Amusement Park! Hurry up!" Socks shouts for Blaza.

I push off my covers and get ready as quick as I can. I open the door to see Blaza on his phone. "Oh there you are! Come on, we don't want to be late!" Blaza smiles and drags me along. "Okay okay! Why're we going so early?" I ask. "Because why not?" Blaza giggles and I see the others waiting. "Hey, Meme!" Laff greets. I wave as Blaza lets go of me. "Let's go everyone!" Socks shouts as he opens the door.

Everyone runs out as Socks locks the door behind them. "Hey! You guys don't even know where your going!" Socks shouts, then sighs. "WRONG WAY!" I shout loud enough for them to come back. "In the car." Socks instructs. Everyone straps their seatbelts in and Socks starts driving.

There was little chatter, until someone interrupts. "A spider!" Blaza gasps, grabbing it. "Ah! You scared me..." Socks laughs. "Oh sorry...I think spiders are pretty cute as long as they're not poisonous." Blaza smiles, examining the spider. "You scared me even more, haha!" Tbh sighs. "I've learned my lesson, don't worry." Socks grins. "How long is it to get there?" Joocie asks. "Approximately 10 more minutes." Socks responds.

Everyone soon starts chattering to each other. "How come you bring that body pillow of yours everywhere?" I ask Nadwe. "Because Monika is my love and she is mine!" Nadwe scoffs, holding the pillow like it was a fragile object. "I wonder what the people would think about you holding a body pillow at a carnival." Laff snickers. "Shut up! Don't you think it's odd most of us are dressed in goofy outfits?" Nadwe says. "Pfft. Most people don't care." I scoff. "It'll be fine.." Blaza whispers, Nadwe overhearing. "Really? They'll let a body pillow in?" Nadwe exclaims. "I don't know, I'm talking to the spider." Blaza shrugs. "Well, I suppose we'll find out." Tbh smiles.

I watch as Blaza rolls down his window and holds the hand with the spider out. "Go on, spider." He whispers to it. The spider jumps from his hand and instantly flies away. "Oh my god, the spider can fly!" Blaza gasps. "Blaza. The spider was taken by the wind because we're  going fast. It could be a goner!" I say. "Oh, yeah I forgot. Well...let's hope it does survive." Blaza laughs nervously, rolling up his window. "Oh, Blaza." Socks laughs. "I did a little oopsies." Blaza grins.

"We're here!" Socks announces, parking the vehicle. Everyone gets out and heads to the entrance. "I'll pay for today." Socks smiles, pulling out his credit card. "Socks...isn't that the same credit card you use to spend tons of robux on?" I ask. "Yeah?" He responds uncertainty. "Meme is referring to as the card has had enough." Tbh laughs. "Ah don't worry, it'll be okay." Socks says, getting the tickets. We all enter with no problem (even Nadwe, surprisingly I think they don't care). "Whoa! It's so big!" Joocie exclaims. "Of course it is. It's an amusement park." Laff responds. "Look at that ride!" Nadwe gasps, pointing to a roller coaster in the distance.

"Alright. Every one of you has money or a card. You can go in groups, but not alone for the safety of getting lost. I know you guys can get lost very easily, so make sure you don't lose anyone." Socks explains. "Everyone agrees, as Socks heads off with Blaza and Tbh. "Come on, Laff! I see food stands, and I'm hungry!" Joocie says, as Laff runs after him. I realize I was left with Nadwe. Guess it couldn't be that bad.

"Memegod! Can we go on the roller coaster?" He asks. "Sure, I suppose so. Want any snacks?" I respond. He shakes his head no. I take out a map of the place and we head over there. Nadwe seemed like he knew this place from memory, because he kept telling me directions faster than I could find them! Eventually, we got to the lineup. Since it was early, the line wasn't that long. "So this is why Socks told me to hurry up" I whisper. "Yup. Less waiting time because waiting is boring!" Nadwe says. "Want to see where the tracks path is going with me?" He asks. "Mhm, I guess I can't find anything else to do." I smile. He then proceeds to show me where we're going with his finger. "We start here and then we go here..." he starts.

Blaza POV

"How about that ride?" Socks asks us. He points to one of those things where it sends you super high and drops you quick. "Oh I see those everywhere!" I say. "Why don't we try it?" We all agree it would be a plan, and line up. "It's called "Reach for your dreams!" I say, pointing to the sign. "Maybe it's encouraging people to never give up and chase their dreams!" Tbh exclaims. Socks nods in approval.

After waiting for a bit of time, it was finally our turn. The announcer explained briefly of the safety and dangers of the ride, and strapped us in. The ride starts instantly, inching it's way up higher and higher. I look down (even if many have told me it's best not to) and everything looks like blurred dots. Especially the people, it looked kind of funny. "It feels like an actual dream up here!" Tbh exclaims. I look over at Socks. He was smiling, but he wasn't saying anything. "Are you okay, Socks?" I ask. He nods his head, clutching his hands onto the metal bars. "When is it gonna go down?" Tbh asks me. "Soon enough."

As I responded to him, the ride launched straight down like a surprise. "AHHH!" Tbh screams for effect. "AHHHHH!" I scream along with him, putting my hands up. I think I was also told not to do that, but I don't think it would harm anyone. "WHOA!" Socks yells, astonished. "WHEEE!" Tbh exclaims as the ride goes to a full stop. Socks sighs of relief, but it went up slowly once again. "Oh, there's more?" Socks asks. "I mean it would be boring if it was only once, right?" I say. "I mean it's fun, right guys? Like touching the sky, literally!" Tbh smiles. Socks nods. The ride plummets down again, and I look at Tbh while I scream. He looked like he was having the time of his life. Socks was too. I guess he got used to it.

The ride soon stopped, but for real this time. We all get off and exit. "Hey, wasn't that fun?" Tbh asks us. "Like an adrenaline and sugar rush. A real thrill." I answer. "Not as bad as I expected." Socks replies. We see Joocie and Laff eating a bunch of food on a bench so we come and greet them. "Hey, British men!" Tbh shouts, and runs to them. Me and Socks come training behind him. "Eyy, want some food?" Joocie offers, and we take a few. "We went on the carousel, and the bumper karts! The lines were pretty short." Laff says. "I always accidentally bumped into Laff, I didn't really know how to control it but honestly a blast!" Joocie laughs, eating some cotton candy. "We saw you guys up there. How was it?" Laff asks. "Fun!" Me and Tbh say in sync. "Like we were flying." Socks giggles.

We sit down on another bench and eat with them. "How much did you guys spend...?" I ask. "Ummmm..." Joocie thinks. "There is some information that should be kept private and away from curious minds. This is the information." Laff smiles slightly. "How dare you try to run out of money before me!" Socks exclaims. "Go broke challenge, real." Tbh says. "For real." I respond.

Just then, two idiots run up to us. Oh it's our idiots, right. "Hey! How are you guys?" Meme asks all of us. "We got many snacks and totally didn't spend way too much." Laff grins. "I got an orange plushie! It was worth it, sorry money..." Joocie laughs. "We went on that thingy!" Tbh says, pointing to the ride we were on. "We were birds for a few seconds, and dying animals the next." Socks laughs. "We went on the roller coaster, then we won some prizes." Nadwe proudly says. Nadwe takes off his double top hat and reveals a bat plushie and a Monika plushie. "I didn't know they had Monika plushie here!"
I gasp. "We'll they did, and I begged Meme to do it." Nadwe says. "I won it for him. He took 6 tries with all miserable fails. I did it on my first try." Meme flexes. "Live, laugh, love Monika." Nadwe says. "No." Meme responds. "You literally said to me you were gonna throw up because of the ride. Surprise you didn't." Meme teases. "Don't remind me." Nadwe says, annoyed.

"Hey, we still got plenty of our morning, why don't we go as a group?" Socks suggests. "Sounds like a plan!" I say. "Totally not for the reason of people spending too much money..." Socks snickers. Joocie rolls his eyes and laughs. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Nadwe exclaims impatiently, and runs off. "And now let's hope he doesn't end up in the lost children area." Tbh teases.


The rest of the day, we had loads of fun. Eventually, we all got tired and headed home for a restful afternoon. I wonder what Socks has in plan next. But all I know is this is the best summer of my life!


Such a fun day! :0
honestly I just wanted to write them having fun before the story escalated more lol

(1657 words)

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