Chapter 13 - Until We Meet Again

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Ghost POV

They let me stay for the ceremony, but many of them surrounded me so I wouldn't try sneaking away. I guess I didn't mind, as long as I could finally explain everything. Maybe I could change their mind, but the keyword was maybe.

"Alright, everyone!" Eclipse shouts to the people. Everyone quickly quiets down as she steps back on the stage. "This has definitely been an eventful day for all of us, especially me! We got to see your beloved Dreamcatchers for this year, so let's give them a round of applause!" She shouts as everyone comes together for a grand applause. The Dreamcatchers above on their clouds looked appreciative of the people. "Now, a word from one of them: Levi!" She announces, gesturing one to come on. Levi jumps off his cloud and takes the microphone.

"As a Dreamcatcher, we have been ensuring the safety of our wonderful world for many years, and many more to come! We are glad to catch the wonderful dreams that made this astonishing place. I'd like to thank all of you for supporting us throughout our journey, as we couldn't have done it without you all! Thank you for everything, and we are grateful for being a part of this!" He says. Everyone claps form his tiny speech and Eclipse gets back on.

"Thank you to all the Dreamcatchers that make this place what it is today! Now, one more word from a special person that has arrived here today." Eclipse smiles. "You, get up here!" She shouts, pointing to me. I was shocked that she chose me to come take the stage, I don't even have a script ready! She assists me to getting up the stairs and hands me the microphone.

"Hello everyone! I am dearly sorry for causing ruckus to your place. Never did I mean to hurt you or cause any harm to those around this place. Solely my purpose here was to help you, but I suppose you got me misunderstood. Thank you for giving me a second chance and I hope you can enjoy your celebrations here." I announce. I was nervous of what they'd think about me...but yet I had nothing to worry about. The crowd hesitated, then they all clapped. I bowed respectfully to them and headed offstage until Eclipse stopped me. "Ghost, stay here. I need to talk to you after." She whispers. I nod as I stand behind her. She continues her speech and let the celebrations truly begin. Many rushes out to the streets, doing their celebrations happily.

"Dreamcatchers, patrol the place. I'll call you back soon." She smiles as they nod and fly away on their magical clouds. She then turns to me. "Ghost, I think this rightfully belongs to you." She says, placing my gem in my hands. I stare at it, it was almost like new, just a couple of spots scratched or missing. "Thank you." I smile and she hugs me. "Ghost, I want to thank you for getting the visitor out. I'd like to appoint you as a protector of our society." She announces. "Huh? Oh, it's a pleasure helping every one of you out but I sincerely cannot accept. I have many other things I have to attend to, I'm sorry." I say. "I know. If you ever visit again, I mean. You are always welcome here, by my word. Now go, return to where you truly belong." She bows to me and I bow too.

She waved goodbye as I head to the sparkling waters. Tsunami or whatever his real name was, was really brave to let me go. Still I didn't know why he did it for me, but he did. Even if it meant risking his freedom too. If it wasn't for him and Shadow, I'd be locked up. I'm glad they set me free, truly. I take my gem and attach it to my shirt near my neck.

I lift my hands to the sky and do a spiral motion with my body which summoned a portal. It was time to go home was sure a long day. Maybe I could visit them again, but truly I hope they do well. I take a past glance at the beautiful place, and step into the portal. I have done my job here, so I can return rightfully to my humble home.



I didn't have many ideas for this chapter honestly sorry about the long wait🥲
I will eventually post the rest of the chapters soon, I'm just revising and re-editing them lol.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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