Chapter Three

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Oliver didn't realise they were at his house until Dig asked him if he were planning to get out anytime soon.

"Oh, sorry. I was just spaced out." Oliver muttered hopping out of the back of the car. "Gotta get ready so-" Oliver felt another sneeze coming on. He sneezed three times, to Diggle's obvious amusement. "God dammit," Oliver sniffed, then let his breath out through his mouth.

"Well, you have fun," Diggle said, but his expression said, "You know I'm right."

Oliver meant to protest, but he sneezed again. Sniffling, Oliver tried to pull himself together before entering his house. He didn't want his mom or sister to see him like this.

Eventually, he managed to clear the stuffiness at least enough to breathe somewhat normally. He decided to come in and head to his room so he could change and take a shower. A shower sounded really nice to him right now.

When he got to his room he flopped down on the bed and rubbed his temples. But he didn't have time to sit down, he needed to get ready for dinner; he was probably already late. He grabbed a cough drop and clothes to change into and rushed to the shower.

He felt much better afterward. Though his nose was still red and stuffy, his headache was completely gone and he felt better than he had all day. He took a deep breath, tightened his tie and went in to sit at dinner with his mother and sister.

"Hey, Ollie!" Thea exclaimed, standing up to hug him.

Oliver smiled, hugging her back gently. "Hi, Thea."

"I'm glad you're here, we kinda thought you'd stand us up again," Thea said, half-jokingly.

Hurt flashed across Oliver's eyes. Why would she bring that up? It wasn't even his fault. But just as quick as he showed his pain, his expression solidified. "I'm really sorry about last time. But I'm here now." His smile was now just polite, not the genuine grin he had displayed for a moment at Thea's hug.

"Hey, mom." Oliver nodded slightly to his mother.

"Hello, Ollie. I'm so glad that you're here, we haven't eaten together for quite a while. Sit down," she gestured to the chair at the head of the table.

Oliver smiled and sat down at the dinner table. "So, how are-" he began, but his voice broke. He coughed into his napkin and swallowed. "Sorry. How are you guys?"

Moria and Thea replied, "I'm well," and "Good," simultaneously.

"How about you, Oliver?" his mom returned the question.

"Uh, I'm good."

"Your voice sounds a little different," Thea remarked. "Are you alright?" she laid the back of her hand against his forehead. "You don't have a fever, that's good."

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired."

"You need to get more rest," his mom said, sternly. "You shouldn't stay out at the club every night."

He smiled politely again. If only she knew what he was doing at the club. "I'm fine, mom."

"Speaking of," said Thea, "how is the club-"

Oliver felt his breath hitching. Again? "Just a sec, Thea," he managed to get out before he turned to his right, where Moria was sitting, and sneezed quickly into his elbow. He sighed internally. "Sor-" cough "Sorry, Thea. What were you saying?"

"I was asking how the club is coming along, but how are you? Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, honey, are you feeling okay? If you're feeling under the weather we don't mean to keep you here."

"I'm fine, okay? I am fine. You don't need to worry," he finished just before coughing dryly into his napkin. Oliver was really getting irritated with all the questions. He was okay. A little tired, maybe he had a cough, but it's nothing a little sleep wouldn't fix. He just wanted people to stop asking. "I'm okay" means I'm okay. Do people not understand?

Thea looked hurt. "Sorry," she muttered, avoiding Oliver's gaze.

"Thea, hey, I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's okay," Thea replied, but she was obviously pouting.

This was going to be a tough night.

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