Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, he had contemplated staying at home to rest, but decided against it. Judging from past experience, Oliver knew that his sister and mother would do literally anything but let him rest, constantly coming in to ask if he wanted this or that, when he really just wanted quiet. So he decided to come and rest at the lair. At least it would be quiet

Oliver stepped down into the lair, wincing with each step. His headache was worse than it had been for a while. Glancing around, he noticed that Felicity wasn't there, thankfully. He walked over to the bathroom, opening the medicine cabinet. He grabbed a bottle of aspirin and an unopened box of tissues. He sat down hard in his swivel chair and popped the lid of the bottle, dumping five pills into his hand and eating them plain. He set his chair back so he could lean against the headrest. After blowing his nose, he fell asleep almost immediately.

Diggle watched as his boss fell asleep in his work chair. He must have been pretty drained to be able to fall asleep so quickly. Diggle sighed, realising that he was stuck there until he woke up. He couldn't drive home because there wouldn't be a way for Oliver to get home without a car or his motorcycle, but he also couldn't train in fear of waking him.

"Hey, is anyone here?" Felicity's voice rang through the room loudly earning an urgent shush from Diggle.

Seeing the confused expression on her face, he gestured to the sleeping Oliver. Felicity's mouth formed into a surprised little 'O' as she realised that Oliver was asleep.

As she walked over to Diggle's side, her heels clinked against the cold floor.

"Is he okay?" She whispered, concerned. It wasn't like Oliver to sleep at work. He usually didn't show his exhaustion after a long night, let alone in the middle of the day.

"Depends on what you mean by "fine." I'm sure he's miserable, but it's just a cold."

"Are you sure it's just a cold? He looks terrible," she said, glancing at his pale face.

Diggle shrugged. "Sure is hitting him bad, huh?"

"Guess so," she relented, still worrying. "Anyway, you can go home now, if you want. I mean, it doesn't look like you're too busy." She looked pointedly to iPhone he was holding in his hands.

"I drove him here, can't really get home."

"It's alright, I'll drive him," she replied with a smile.

"You sure?"

"Of course. You look like you might need some rest, too. Babysitting Oliver probably isn't the easiest thing in the world."

With a sigh, Diggle gave in. "Thanks, Felicity."

"No problem."

And with that, Diggle stood up to leave. He felt guilty about leaving Felicity to watch after Oliver, but she was right: he was tired out. It usually wasn't a problem, driving the same car, but when his client wasn't up to driving or doing anything, it was going to be a pain. If only Oliver would take his advice to stay at home.

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