Chapter Twenty-One

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After a couple days of not feeling any better and constant nagging from Thea, his mom, and Felicity (John had pretty much given up on trying to convince him), Oliver asked Diggle to drive him to the doctor's office. Oliver had called an hour before saying that he was coming at eight. One of the good things about being part of the Queen family, he never had to wait. Not that he usually used that benefit, being that he himself was most likely to be late.

"So, what made you change your mind?"

Oliver was pulled away from his thoughts. "Wha-" cough "what?"

"What made you decide to use your brain? Just last night you refused to let me drive you home and claimed that you absolutely were not sick."

"Thea made me," Oliver replied, gazing out the dark-tinted windows of the car that Diggle somehow managed to retrieve from Verdant's parking lot.

"Well, she must have gotten the common sense of both of you," Diggle joked.

"Ha, ha, very funny, Diggle. I wouldn't call it 'common sense' to go to the doctor for a cold. It's not like I'm even that-" his sentence was interrupted by a deep cough.

"You always seem to prove my point while arguing against it," Diggle pointed out Oliver's cough. "Anyway, it's the first time you've been sick since coming back. Better safe than sorry."

"I hate that phrase," Oliver muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

After a few minutes of silence, they arrived. Oliver had to pretty much force himself to get out of the car and start heading into the building. He wasn't nervous, he was just . . . uncomfortable. He swallowed and coughed quickly into his fist.

"Oliver Queen," he told the lady at the desk as he walked into the waiting room.

"Queen . . . okay, sir. You might have to wait a bit."

"Fine," Oliver quipped, a bit annoyed that they weren't ready for him, but too exhausted to do anything about it.

Diggle noticed Oliver's annoyance with satisfaction. "You can have a taste of what being a commoner feels like," he said with a laugh, slapping him playfully. "Who doesn't have to wait for their appointment, anyway?"

"Well, not me apparently," Oliver slumped down in his seat, tilting his head backwards so that his head was leaning against the top of the back-to-back chairs. He already hated waiting here. The coughing, sniffing, and altogether sick feeling was freaking him out. He was feeling worse already. He was never again going to let anyone convince him to come here to this place.

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