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Oliver hurried down the steps to the lair, rain dripping on the floor. He pulled off his sopping wet jacket and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Felicity's voice rang through the building.

"Nothing." Oliver said, rubbing the back of his neck. Even though he had been wearing a jacket, he was soaked to the bone.

"I said he should've let me drive him," Diggle said, entering the room, "but he insisted on driving his bike."

Felicity rolled her eyes. "Well, you should get changed, Oliver; you've got to be freezing."

Now that she mentioned it, the air brushing against his wet clothes was making his usually warm body drop in temperature. Shivers rose up on his arms. "Yeah, give me a minute," he said as he walked to the bathroom to change his clothes.

"He sure is stubborn," Diggle muttered to Felicity, shrugging off his own jacket.

She smirked and replied, "You think? I bet if you looked up 'stubborn' in the dictionary it'd have a photo of Oliver Queen--or maybe the Hood, since that's also him. Well, I mean, of course not actually, but you know what I mean . . ." she trailed off seeing Diggle's amused expression. "Anyway, he's gonna catch a cold if he keeps doing that."

"Oh, he'll be fine," Diggle replied, watching Oliver walk back out in dry clothes. Then, directed at Oliver: "Feeling better?"

"Yeah," he smirked, "much dryer. Well," he raised his eyebrows, "let's get to work."

"Alright, boss," Felicity responded, spinning back around to her computer set.

Diggle simply nodded and strode over to the training area.


By the end of the day, each of them had accomplished a good days work. For the first part of the day, Oliver and Diggle trained while Felicity did computer work, but later, they discussed their plans for the next mission.

"Okay, well I guess I'm going home now," Felicity said brightly.

"Me too," Diggle added. "You coming with me Oliver? Or are you still planning on driving through the rain with that bike of yours?"

Oliver didn't reply. His eyes had a glazed over look to them. It was not unusual, but it seemed different somehow, though Diggle couldn't quite put a finger it.

"Oliver? You okay?"

Oliver blinked. "Oh, sorry, what?" He was very focused now, in complete contrast than before.

"Can I drive you home?"

"It's okay, I got my motorcycle. I don't want to leave it here." Oliver knew that Diggle somehow manages to get his vehicles home by himself when a situation occurs in which he has to leave it, but he felt safer bringing it back himself.

"Oliver, you don't want to drive in the rain."

"It's raining cats and dogs out there," Felicity joined in. "And it's getting dark."

"No," he insisted. "I'm driving the motorcycle. I'll be alright."

"Your call, man," Diggle relented. He didn't usually argue too much with Oliver about unimportant things, knowing that his boss wouldn't give up even if he was wrong.

Felicity was still nervous about him driving home in a motorcycle in the pouring rain. "Be safe. Keep your seatbelt on. Well, I mean, not literally, 'cause motorcycles don't have seatbel-"

"Felicity, I'll be fine," he said, a smile playing at his lips." I know how to drive it.

"I know," she bit her lip. After a second of silence, she said "Well, bye. See you guys tomorrow."

"Goodbye," Oliver replied.

"See you later," Diggle ended, walking Felicity out. "You coming, Queen?"

"Uh, well, I'm almost done, you don't need to wait. Bye."

"Okay, bye," they murmured, shutting the door behind them.

Oliver sat back down to finish reading the document he had been working on. He rubbed his temples, trying to relieve the pressure behind his eyes. He'd been feeling really headachey the whole day, but it wasn't unusual. He had had been having on-and-off headaches for about a week. It wasn't too bad, more uncomfortable than painful, but it annoying just the same. He let his eyes slip closed for a moment, but opened them again quickly.

He tried to finish reading the papers, but it was getting harder and harder to concentrate. Eventually, he ended up throwing them down on the table, grabbing his jacket, and stalking out of the lair. He knew that he just needed some sleep and he would be fine tomorrow. It was just a headache.

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