Chapter Nineteen

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The next week, Oliver continued to do his normal activities as both Oliver Queen and the Hood, still claiming to be "perfectly fine." The congestion had gotten much better, but the cough and headache seemed to have no intention of leaving. Oliver suspected that the headache was caused by the cough. Eventually Diggle and Felicity had given up on trying to get him to rest and let him continue on the action part of a mission. It ended successfully and Oliver came out with only minor bruises and scratches.

As he walked into the lair, Felicity could tell something was wrong. He didn't seem to be limping but, he moved as though every step was painful. She guessed that it was his headache. "Hey, are you feeling alright? Are you hurt? You said you weren't!"

"Felicity! No need to jump to conclusions, I'm alright it's just a headache," Oliver rasped, his voice was especially hoarse from yelling through the comms.

She walked over to the base of the stairs, examining him closer. Though he didn't have his hood on, the eye-paint was making it hard to read his expression.

"You look hot," she said, knitting her eyebrows. After a pause, Oliver's grimace lifted into a tired, but amused smirk. At first she didn't understand what he was smiling about, but then her eyes widened as she realised the alternate meaning of the word. "That's not what I meant! I mean not hot like attracti- I mean, not that you aren't attractive! Even when you're sick you look great; you're really good looking. And I did not just say that out loud." Felicity bit her lip, mortified. "I mean you look feverish," she added in barely more than a whisper.

"I agree, Oliver," Diggle said. "Well, the last part at least," he added, causing Felicity's face to turn bright red.

Oliver's boyish smile was erased from his lips as he sighed. "Yeah, maybe you're right," he muttered, rubbing his eyes and smearing the paint. "I've been feeling kinda off I guess. I thought it was just a cold but I don't know."

"Okay, I'm definitely taking you home now," his bodyguard said firmly.

Oliver agreed with only a little protest, tipping off both Diggle and Felicity that he was worse than he had let onto.

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