Chapter Eleven

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Once they reached her car, Felicity demanded that he get in. She knew she would literally have to force him if she wanted him to listen. But after quite a bit of pushing, cajoling, and guilt-tripping, she finally got him in her car.

"You know how to get to your house, right?" she asked him, unnecessarily.

"Uh, yeah," he replied, sniffing, "I'll just put it in my phone."

With a few taps, Oliver had the map entered into his iPhone. After a couple of poorly covered sneezes, he reclined his car chair and fell asleep.

The next thing he knew was a tap on his forearm. His eyes snapped open and he grabbed whatever was touching his arm and twisted. He heard a cry. And after a second of confusion, Oliver realised where he was and what he was crushing in his hand.

"Felicity! Oh God, I'm so sorry!" Felicity could see the panic flickering in Oliver's eyes. "Are you alright? I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Oliver's breath was quick and uneven and his eyes were frantically scanning Felicity for signs of pain.

Felicity was more shaken than hurt. She had totally forgotten that he'd told her not to do that. He touched her so often that it felt odd to know that she couldn't do the same. "No, I'm sorry. That was totally my fault."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, see?" Felicity rotated her wrist and wiggled her fingers. "I'm fine." What she didn't mention was that she was probably going to have a nasty bruise in the morning.

Oliver sighed in relief. He would never forgive himself if he hurt Felicity, even if it was an accident.

"Okay, that's good." Oliver cringed, that sounded stupid. "I mean, I'm glad I didn't hurt you, I don't know how I could-" he paused to sneeze. "Sorry. I just- sorry."

"It's alright, Oliver. Go get some rest."

He smiled quickly before hopping out of the car. Once to the front door, Oliver stepped through and closed it silently. As he started walking toward his room, he heard the sound of a step squeaking. He jumped, then got into fighting stance.

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