Chapter Twenty

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When Oliver reached his house, he immediately wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, claiming that the house was freezing. He found a thermometer in the medicine cabinet and stuck it under his tongue, waiting for the little beep. When he checked it, the display read 102.4. He definitely had a fever.

"You're pretty sick," Dig said, folding his arms, and looking at the numbers on the screen.

"I know. I should probably call the doctor," he trailed off, coughing.

"No, you should have called the doctor when you still had your voice. I'll make you an appointment."

"Thanks, Dig."

"No problem. But you need to take care of yourself, Oliver."

Oliver nodded, moving his aching head as little as possible. "I know." Then after a pause, "I think I'm going to rest for a couple minutes. Wake me up if you need to."

He walked over to their living room couch and sat down slowly, propping himself up with the pillows. He was glad that his family wasn't home yet. He loved them, but when all he wanted to do was rest, they could be exhausting.

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