Chapter Five

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The next morning Oliver awoke at 3:30 a.m. He ran his fingers through his short hair and sighed through his mouth. He was hoping he'd feel better in the morning, but no such luck. In fact, he felt quite a bit worse. Just as he was about to sit up, he felt his sinuses start to burn. He rolled over to his side and sneezed into his elbow.

Oliver flopped back into his normal position, suddenly losing all interest of waking up. But he knew he had to. The dull ache behind his eyes was already back. Oliver swung his feet over the side of the bed, once again attempting to get up. He sat slouched on the end of his bed for a couple minutes, almost falling asleep again. He began to cough, his sore muscles contracting painfully. He groaned loudly and finally lifted himself out of bed.

Oliver walked over to the full body mirror to see himself. He was surprised at how terrible he looked. His bloodshot eyes were red-rimmed with dark grey crescents underneath. Also they seemed dim and tired compared to their usual alertness. His nose and cheeks were red, while the rest of his body was pale. Hopefully he would look and feel better after a shower and breakfast.

He shuffled through his array of clothes and chose the most comfortable, but still presentable outfit before going to take a shower.

When he came out a few minutes later he looked a lot better, but still felt ill. But he would just try to hide it. He was pretty good at hiding things, anyway. He had actually been feeling less than his usual one hundred percent for over a week, but he just had to keep holding it off. He hadn't—and still didn't—have time to be sick. If he just pretended he was fine, maybe it would go away. It was probably the motorcycle ride in the rain that had finally done it.

Sighing deeply, Oliver straightened his back and put on his professional, removed expression. He started to walk out to his car, then decided to go back and take some aspirin and a small dose of cough syrup.

Oliver got in his car and started the engine. It was freezing. Oliver usually wasn't affected much by the cold, but today it seemed worse than usual. Eventually, though, the car warmed up and he was off.

When he finally arrived, he just sat in there for a minute, not wanting to leave the warmth of his car. He should really go in and start training and checking up on stuff. He pulled at the neckline of his shirt. Even though it wasn't high, it was irritating his throat. Eventually, he forced himself to hop out of the car.

Once he got to the foundry, he glanced around to make sure no-one was there and broke out into a painful coughing fit.

"Oliver, is that you?" He heard Felicity's  voice call out loudly.

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