Chapter Seven

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Felicity was sitting in front of her computers thinking. She was planning on going home a few minutes after Oliver arrived. She was only there in the first place because on of her programs was on a time schedule and needed to be finished by 4:30. But once Oliver arrived she felt like she shouldn't leave. For one thing, she felt like she should stay to make sure he was alright, but also she had her pride; if Oliver could stay training all day in his condition, then she should be able to stay all day doing simple computer work.

After being there for almost an hour and a half, the loud clanking and banging of Oliver's training routine was giving her a major headache. She was usually fine with it, but when in was so early in the morning, she just wanted peace and quiet. She couldn't understand how he could handle that every day. Especially considering the way he was feeling. His breath was constantly catching from the obvious strain of the exercises. Every time he coughed--which was no small number of times--Felicity cringed; she could tell it was terribly painful. He had incredible endurance.

Eventually, Felicity realised that there was complete silence in the foundry. She swivelled her desk chair around, frantically searching for Oliver. What happened?

She quickly caught sight of him leaning against the wall opposite her. His eyes were closed and his fingers were massaging his temples. She jumped up and ran over to him, concern spreading through her body once again.

"What's wrong," she questioned, kneeling beside him.

"Mmhh . . . headache," he said, slowly. "Gimme a minute I'll be fine."

"Is there anything I can do?"


So she waited.

Although it was probably only 30 seconds, it felt like 30 minutes until his headache had passed. Oliver ran a hand down his face. "Sorry about that."

"Are you feeling better now?"

He nodded. "But enough about me, are you feeling alright? You look tired, Felicity."

Felicity pondered how she would respond. Should she tell the truth? Or should she give him a taste of his own medicine and dismiss him with a quick "I'm fine"?

After a few seconds, she replied. "Truthfully, I am a little tired. I only got a little bit of sleep last night."

"You can go home if you want, I don't expect you to stay here all day. I can drive you back home or-" he sneezed quickly into his right shoulder, "sorry," he paused for a second, his finger raised, telling Felicity to hold on. Then he took a deep breath and sneezed twice into his cupped hands. "Oh, God, I'm sorry, Felicity," he apologised, his stuffy nose making his speech sound thick. "Uh, I mean, you can sleep on the couch but it might get kind of loud," Oliver trailed off. He didn't want to make her feel like she needed to stay here, but he also didn't want to make her feel that he didn't need her. If she was tired she should go home and rest, though.

"I actually think I'll stay here. Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I don't want to be here to help."

"Okay, that's fine, too. Make sure to tell me if you need anything," Oliver said, brushing her arm before standing up to begin his workout again.

Oliver always confounded Felicity. He seemed to have no regard at his own health, but at the slightest mention of her discomfort he was immediately there for her. So why wouldn't he let her do the same for him?

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