Chapter Four Shopping Trip Cut Short

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"Hold the bag a little Higher" Rei instructed wonyoung. They were at a cafe in Seoul taking pictures for eachother and she was currently Holding a newly released Miu Miu bag against her cheek and winking.

The brand had sent her a package this morning and asked her to take a few photos to post by tonight so while shopping wonyoung and REI decided to have an impromptu mini photoshoot at this cute café they found.

A couple more pictures later they finally finished "Thank you Rei unnie" Wonyoung told her giving her a tight hug. Rei was the best member at taking pictures for herself and others she gave advice on how to pose and made sure the pictures were perfect. "Are you Hungry, let me treat you as a thank you" Wonyoung told Rei who nodded in return and they walked into the Café together

Inside was dim and cool, the walls were made of dark wood with big windows and it smelt spicy like coffee beans.

"We have music Bank Soon" rei whispered looking at what wonyoung assumed to be a message from there manager. Wonyoung nodded and stepped up to the counter "can I please get six iced americanos to go" Wonyoung order.

They wouldn't have time to sit and eat because they have to meet the other members soon so she thought it was best to get one for everyone else too.  "I wanted to stop by a few more stores" rei mumbled beside her a pout on her face, frowning wonyoung nodded "same, with the weather getting nicer I wanted to buy some summer clothes" she replied disappointed too.

She wanted to buy some new trendy summer clothes but it looked like that would have to wait for a few weeks till promotions were over. "Here you go" the pretty barista said wonyoung noticed she had long shiny hair with pink stripes throughout it.

"thank you, and I like your hair" wonyoung told the girl bowing lightly. The Girls face light up with a perfect crystal white smile "Aww thank you so much, your like insanely pretty" the girl gushed making wonyoung blush and waved her hand embarrassed.

After paying wonyoung and Rei headed towards there van that had arrived a few minutes ago. "Hi, Wonyoung and REI unnie" Leeseo cutely yelled as she pulled open the door for them she was wearing a frilly purple dress with puffy sleeves and her hair in two Buns even though she wined when they called her cute now that she was in high school wonyoung couldn't help but softly pinch her cheek as she crouch walked towards the back seats.

"Ooh coffee sound delicious" Liz said as Rei handed out the drinks everyone happily sipping on them.

"were just heading straight to music bank" yujin informed them. Oh wonyoung thought surprised she didn't think they were going to be late but she was glad she decided to wear her hair down and curled with a pink head band, Cute denim dress with a pink cropped tee underneath. Grabbing her phone out of her Red Miu Miu  bag wonyoung unlocked it and opened Instagram.

She decided To post One picture of her Holding the bag making a kissy face, another one with it on her shoulder and then one where the bag sat beside her while she showed off her side profile.

Satisfied wonyoung upload the pictures and instantly her phone buzzed with notifications a smile spread across her face many people believe that idols and celebrities ignore there fans and she was sure some probably do but she loved reading the comments.

The thousands of hearts, wishful messages and the compliments when ever she felt stressed or sad she liked reading her comments knowing she always had dive thinking I have dive your jealous right?

While wonyoung was going through her comments the van stopped signaling there arrival. While her members and her self prepared before they got out wonyoung peered through the window.

Outside paparazzi were crowded around the steps only a sliver of space for them to walk toward the building was open. Most were dressed in black as if the were trying to be undercover but with there tripods, big cameras and nonstop flashing they stood out like a sore thumb.

She hated when they swarmed them and she felt bad for her younger members she had dealt with this since a young age but other than yujin it was all new to the members.

We all still got nervous and claustrophobic from all the people and big cameras oh and the flashes it was like going blind for five minutes.
But she feared something else too what her fans or well haters would think they always found something they didn't like from her clothes, how she greeted everyone or her weight she hoped there wouldn't be a news article of something new she did wrong.

Taking a deep breath she followed her members out the car putting on a friendly, polite smile for the camera.

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