Enterprising initiatives

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—-Helloo, okay okay I know I've been away for a long time but uni has been hell lately and I haven't got time to write at all... It should be better soon as my year is almost done but until then, I hope y'all will like this chapter. Have a good read! —-

The next morning (or more precisely afternoon as it was already 1PM) only one thing was in my mind: The bloody party, and the bloody guy that I invited to come along with me. You might ask yourself why on earth would I have a date if I was head over heels about someone else, well the answer is simple. I didn't know anybody that my cousin invited, and the prospect of going there alone was highly unattractive, that's why I settled for bringing someone along. Of course, I had thought about Harper first, but since she disliked social interaction just as much as I do, she politely declined and left me alone. Can't really blame her for it to be honest.

So that's exactly why I finally settled on Connor, a guy that I've been on and off talking with for the past few months. We already saw each other a few times and he was a nice guy, very polite and frankly good looking, but he was just not meant for me, he was too silent, too timid. If I am completely honest with myself, I think I really thought that it might work for once, because, even with our differences, we managed to vibe together and I enjoyed our conversations. However, our different personalities inevitably gave me the ick and I started pulling away slowly, answering less quickly, not making myself free to meet him and just not making an effort anymore. This was just a repeated pattern for me, it always was like that with guys, my interest just barely never passed the talking stage, and when it did, I mostly always grew bored and passively ghosted the guy.

I knew I just needed to put an end to my situationship with Connor, but I already invited him to the party, and I definitely wasn't gonna uninvite him on the day of the said party. I'd do it after.

The party only started at 8PM, but since I lived a bit away from my cousin's house, I offered to drop by earlier to help her to settle everything, so that would also give us time to catch up on our lives and to get ready together.

Throwing on a jumper and a pair of sweatpants, I didn't bother on doing my makeup, as I would probably just do it again before the party later. I prepared my bag, got spare clothes, necessary toiletries and a bottle of whiskey.

Can you believe I was the only one liking dry whiskey there??? This simple taste of mine granted me the surname of "old man" in the past, and it sticked with time, because apparently "only old man can drink whiskey and like it", if you ask me, I'd say that only people with refined taste can like that beverage, and that it's a bloody sin to mix it with anything else.

After finishing packing everything, I ordered a taxi and went to my cousin's.

The ride there was pretty peaceful and went by pretty quickly as I lost myself in my online book and my music. When I got there, we settled everything up and got ready before her boyfriend arrived. Then, everybody started arriving, and apparently, Connor was late. Well, more precisely, he was currently lost and I had to get out to go pick him up, in my dress and in the cold.

Back to the house, the party had already begun, music was pounding and people were dancing where they could. The atmosphere was chill, pleasant even, but I was definitely too sober for that. That's why I headed for the makeshift bar, Connor in tow, and served us both a glass of whiskey. The poor guy never drank anything stronger than a beer, so he nearly choked on his drink and I couldn't help the snort that came out. Taking pity on him, I grabbed back his drink and added coke in it to dim the taste of alcohol. Adding coke to honey japanese whiskey, what a sin.

I always have had a strong resistance to alcohol, so even though I was already three glasses down, I still didn't feel anything apart from a slight buzz. I had slightly hoped that the alcohol would loosen Connor, but he was drinking so slowly that the booze would dissipate before he even took another gulp. This resulted in what I feared would happen. I was babysitting him, he wasn't a social person, therefore he just stayed stuck to me as if I was his only source of oxygen. I couldn't go to dance of even pee alone without getting a text almost instantly after I got out of his eyesight just to know "where I was".

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