The beginning

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Flirty smiles and silent conversation in a room full of people just with your eyes caught your attention from the very beginning. You were always opposed to going out since you weren't much of a social person or a drinker.

Today was different in a way you decided to go out so you could just have fun. Everyone was confused since you always say no but something told you to go.

You sat at the table with a bottle of water in your hand, laughing at the story your friend was telling you. You suddenly quieted down when a group of guys approached the table and sat down next to your friend's boyfriend. You were confused, but since they were new people you stayed quiet and observed. Your eyes scanned each person diligently until you locked eyes with the tall broad-shouldered male right across from you.

Eye contact always makes you feel funny so you never really did it but looking into his eyes didn't make you feel weird and funny it actually made you feel calm. You could feel the heat in your cheeks rise and spread all over your face. You probably look like a tomato right now for blushing so hard. He smiled cutely and extended his hand toward you.

"Hi I'm Hyungwon" his smile was cute and comforting. The small innocent interaction had your stomach turning and your heart racing.

"Hi I'm (y/n)" he said, shaking his hand in return.

You looked over at your friend Ali, but she was too busy having a conversation with her boyfriend, and one of the other guys that sat down next to him.

"Are you from around this area?" Hyungwon asked.

"Yes and no I've lived here on and off since I was born I'm originally from the States" he nodded impressed he swore you were a local, even though you didn't look like one, you just fit in and knew the language a little too well.

"Are you from the city?" You ask taking a sip of your water bottle.

"Yes and no as well" he chuckled. A glass with liquor was passed to him as he took it and took his first sip while looking at you over the top of the glass.

Your face was hot and the red tint doesn't seem to be leaving your skin any time soon with him around.

"What do you do for work?" He continued the small talk. You couldn't decipher if he was actually interested or if he was just being nice.

"Well, I am a freelance accountant working for multiple companies at the moment." His face showed this sincere expression of astonishment.

"Wow that's amazing" he smiled looking over at everyone else staring at him. You look over to see Ali smiling super big at you.

"Can I help you?" You asked confused and nervously.

"Nope just watching you actually have fun." You nod and excuse yourself to go to the restroom.

You stood in front of the mirror taking deep breaths with your hand on your chest. You had no idea why your heart was racing so badly and why your cheeks burned but here you were. You closed your eyes tightly trying to pinpoint the cause of your body reacting like this but all you could see was Hyungwon.

You were in trouble now.

You left the restroom and sat back down trying not to look his way but it was hard to do. He was handsome, so far nice, and very charismatic. His smile was bright and his aura was warm, comforting, and inviting. It was so hard to try and ignore him.

The clock struck 11 pm and you had an early meeting so you quietly started gathering your things. You had just finished yet another very interesting and delightful conversation with Hyungwon.

"Okay, I have to go. I have an early meeting" You stood up getting ready to go.

"Can I walk you home?" Hyungwon asked. The hope in his eyes shimmered mesmerizing you into a trance.

"Um... sure I don't live too far though!" He put a few bills on the table and stood up putting his jacket on.

"I'll see you later," Hyungwon said to everyone at the table. His hand landed in the middle of your back barely touching you as he guided you through the full and busy restaurant.

You walked awkwardly next to him in this comfortable silence. He stole glances every few seconds.

"You didn't have to walk me home." You finally spoke up barely above a whisper. He looked down at you and smiled.

"I really wanted to... plus how was I supposed to ask for your number with everyone staring at us" you gasped throwing your head back laughing.

"oh my god, you noticed that as well? I thought it was just me." You laughed then looked up at him.

"They were all acting very weird." He chuckled as You looked up into his eyes getting lost pretty quick in the moment.

"WATCH OUT!!!!" Someone yelled as Hyungwon pulled you into his chest and turned around so his back was facing whoever yelled as they zoomed past you.

His left hand was on your lower back while his right hand was on the back of your head. Your heart was ready to quit and jump into his hands without the permission of your brain. You started to feel your legs go weak and your stomach turn creating this weird feeling that felt good but foreign.

"You okay?" Hyungwon asked looking down at you in his embrace. You swallowed hard and nodded gently pushing away from him.

"Yeah... um... thank you" you chuckled nervously.

The rest of the walk was pretty silent. You reached your place and walked up the stairs into the lobby. Once you reached the elevator and the door closed with only you two in it he turned to you.

"I was serious about getting your number. I want to see you again." Your mind spun rapidly at the words coming out of his mouth. You were not used to this kind of behavior from anyone. He was upfront and you like that a lot.

You put your hand out asking for his phone. You typed your number in and called yourself.

When he finished typing his number into your phone you walked out of the elevator to your door.

"I really hope to hear from you soon" You smiled inserting your keys into the doorknob.

"Good night (y/n)" he smiled waiting for you to close the door.

Hyungwon Boyfriend series of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now