Lovers Quarrel

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The drive home from Hyungwon's work events was tense and uncomfortable. It was evident you were upset and he was as well. You stared out the window struggling to breathe from the tension being so thick. Getting home you jump out of the car and slam the door shut.

"Please do not slam the car door" Hyungwon yells after you. You barely heard him as you hurry upstairs as quick as possible with Hyungwon following closely behind.

Walking into the apartment heated not even turning around to look at Hyungwon that was also visibly upset, you slam the door shut and make your way upstairs.

"Again please stop slamming doors" he said again a bit more heated. You heart raced and you stomp all the way upstairs. Hyungwon watched you climb the stairs as he was two steps behind you.

Walking into the bathroom you slam the door shut and slide down the closed door reaching up to lock it.

"Don't slam the fucking door!" A deep rumble came from the other side. He was clearly tired of you slamming each door you walked through.

You were fuming and trying to calm down before speaking about it but since Hyungwon didn't see it that way. He wanted to talk now.

"Just leave me be so I can calm down and then talk to you about it." You yell from the other side of the door as the tears begin to fall from the uncontrollable rage coursing through your small body. Your body shook and your heart raced but ached at the same time. Taking deep breathes to try and calm down you stand up and walk over to the bathtub stripping from your clothes as fast as possible.

Silence engulfed you as you turned on the bathtub and sat in the hot water trying to relax your muscles and soothe your aching soul. Your head rested on your knees that were pulled up to your chest and your arms wrapped around them. You had never been this mad at him which really took you by surprise as well.

You silently cried not knowing if you were crying due to the anger or because you now felt bad for acting out in anger towards him with no explanation. Guilt always ate you up like that during moments like this.

"Babe... can we talk now?" A soft knock and comforting voice was heard in the empty bathroom with only water droplets from the faucet echoing in the silence.

"Sure" you say loud enough in your hoarse voice for him to hear you. Wiping your tears away, the door creaks open and Hyungwon appears taking in the sight in front of him before he sits down next to the bath tub. He reached out running his hand through your hair a few times and looking at you so softly the tears fell again.

Guilt was really eating you up.

Hyungwon wiped the tears that were falling with his thumb and leaned in to kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes as you felt his warm lips on your skin. You turn your face away causing him to sigh.

"I want to understand why that made you so mad. I was in the wrong as well but I want to know what I did and why it made you so upset so I don't do it again." You sigh turning your head to look at him. He was resting his chin on the edge of the bathtub waiting for you to say something. A few silent minutes passed, just the two of you staring at each other before you finally spoke up.

"The water is extra hot but you can come in if you want" he nods peeling his shorts and boxers off quickly and sitting down behind you. The water ripples as he lowered his body into the bathtub but the impact of his hand on your arms was much greater.

Your body relaxed but your heart tensed. You leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple a few times and weaving his fingers through yours.

"I'm sorry" he whispered giving you a slight squeeze of reassurance. Your body melted into his as his large swallowed your smaller frame from the world around you.

"My ex used to do that same thing you did tonight. He would always push me aside and never really let me be a part of anything. He didn't think I was smart enough to talk to his colleges or attractive enough for me to go to events with him. So when you basically told me to just sit there and stop trying to get into the conversation I shut down. I know you didn't know and I should be more open about what happened between me and my ex but the rage took over before I could say anything." Hyungwon ran the tip of his nose up the side of your neck leaving a kiss on your jaw as you spoke.

"I'm sorry baby I really didn't know and I didn't mean for you to feel any negative way about it I just wanted to get in and get out and I knew those people would ask you so much about what you do and would find you so interesting and amazing that we would be there for hours. I'm sorry I didn't communicate that before hand." You took a deep breath relieved with how nice talking it out felt and relieved he had no bad intentions behind his wrongfully perceived words.

"It's okay I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did. It was not fair to you" Hyungwon's hands fell to your lower stomach and the kisses on your neck, shoulder, back became more frequent. He hums on your skin and takes an extra deep breath as his lips move along the surface of your skin.

"I love you and this won't stop me from loving you okay" he whispers on the shell of your ear as he kisses your ear and the spot behind your ear.

"I love you Chae Hyungwon" you fall back further into him and turn your head capturing your lips with his in a soft kiss that got deeper and more passionate by the second.

"Let's get out and go to bed hm?" Hyungwon whispers on your lips with a big smile.

"Let's get out and go to bed hm?" Hyungwon whispers on your lips with a big smile

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Hyungwon Boyfriend series of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now