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Stormy rainy days used to suck! You would get into a very deep depression and just mope around the house like a sad puppy. Today started off just as bad as those other rainy days. You had finished your workload by noon and were just sitting on the couch piled in all the blankets you could find with all the pillows you owned as well. You checked your phone every 5 minutes growing confused about the lack of notifications.

You entered the chat you had with Hyungwon and reread your messages wondering if you had said something that made him upset enough to not text you all day. Right as you started scrolling again to read through everything for the 3rd time your doorbell rings. You look at the door and back at your phone confused. Most people you know just walk in since they had the code to enter.

As soon as you put your phone down and unravel yourself from the mess of blankets the door opened.

"Hey, baby can you help me please" You run to the doorway to see Hyungwon drenched from head to toe with droplets falling from his hair. He had bags of snacks and food in both hands causing the veins in his hands and forearms to pop out.

You took the bags from him and placed them on the floor of your kitchen so you could run to get a towel for him. You were looking for the towels when the dryer beeped notifying you that the cycle had ended. You ran to the dryer and took a towel out running back to him dripping in your doorway removing articles of outer clothing.

"What were you doing out there? You must be freezing! You are going to catch a cold now! Come to the bathroom." You threw the towel at him and took his hand pulling him to the bathroom. You took the towel and guided him to sit down on the edge of the tub and started to dry his hair. He looks up at you with the biggest eyes and softest smile.

"What?" You ask him putting the towel down on the sink and gently touching his neck with the back of your hand.

"Nothing just you..." He chuckles putting his hand over yours so he can bring it to his lips and leave a kiss. Your cheeks burn turning slightly pink but you ignored it to the best of your ability.

"I think you should shower. Undress and I'll throw your clothes in the wash." You turned around to hand him a new towel and washcloth from under the sink. You turn back around to hand it to him just for you to lose all senses as he pulls his shirt over his head and places it next to him.

"You okay?" He tries to stifle a laugh by clearing his throat with a very amused smirk on his face. You knew your face was as red as a tomato. You couldn't help but admire all the hard work he had done in the gym.

"I'm fine" You snapped out of your daze and quickly spun around so your back was facing him.

"My bag has an extra change of clothes if they are not soaked." You nod and place the towel on the counter. You shut the door as you walked out but then cracked it so you could speak to him from outside.

"I will go check if not I think my brother left clothes here you can borrow... if you need anything let me know" You shut the door all the way and ran to hide in your pile of blankets. Your entire body was hot and you were beyond flustered.

You checked his bag and saw that his boxers were the only dry article of clothing. You sighed in relief that this situation wasn't going to get any more awkward than it already appeared to be. You walked into the spare bedroom and took one of your brother's shirts out of the drawers with a pair of checkered Pajama pants.

"Hey, I was looking for you," Hyungwon says making you jump and knock over a few things on the dresser.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." You shook your head and picked up the objects that fell.

"No, it's okay I am a super jumpy person." You turn to him and immediately feel your cheeks and now ears start to burn. The towel hung low on his hips and he was still a little damp. You swallowed hard and handed him the clothes.

"Thanks... babe why are you so red and flustered right now." The cocky smirk appeared on his face making your head spin. You took a deep breath and turned your back to him.

"Are you really asking me that when you look like that and this being my first time seeing you half-naked?" He wrapped his hand gently around your wrist and turned you to face him. He was still shirtless but had his boxers and pants on.

"Baby you were bound to see it sooner or later. It's okay... we are a couple." His genuine smile made you feel slightly better but this very domestic boyfriend look had the butterflies in your stomach going on a rampage. The messy damp hair and his thick-framed glasses made him look 10 times more attractive.

You reached your hand out and softly ran the pads of your fingers over his abs tracing the precisely defined dents. It took you a second to come back to reality and jerk your hand away.

"I'm sorry" you whispered looking up at him. His expression changed rapidly to confusion as he scanned his eyes over your face trying to read your mind.

"Sorry for what?" He whispered back getting closer. He was slightly hesitant stopping only a few centimeters from your figure.

"I touched you without permission" He let out a low chuckle as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead.

"I am all yours so you don't have to be sorry"

Hyungwon Boyfriend series of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now