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Hyungwon peeled himself away from your warm body as his alarm went off really early in the morning. You struggled to open your eyes with the pounding in your head increasing with every small movement you made.

You sat up and tried to sip water from the bottle next to your bed but the burning in your throat caused you to stop. You look around for the bottle of medicine but then realized you had left it downstairs in the kitchen.

"Hyungwon!" You call out as you heard the 10 times louder flush fill your ears. "BABE!" You yelled then winced finally catching his attention. The lights turned on causing your eyes to water at the pain taking over your head.

"Baby are you okay?" He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead letting out a big sigh.

"I need pain killers. My head and throat hurt a lot." He shook his head looking for his phone. You tugged on his arm thinking he ignored you but then you see him dialing oemma's phone number on his phone.

"Oemma she has a fever and is complaining about her throat and head hurting. I am going to take her to the doctor but do you think you can come down and stay here for a few days?" You were about to protest and throw the pillow at him when the rush of very intense pain made you wince and grab your head.

"I am okay, I don't need to go to the doctor." Hyungwon hung up the phone and looked at you with a mix of confusion and skepticism. He looked down at his phone and then back at you.

"What do you mean?" You need to go to the doctor so you can get some med-ic-ine... You are afraid of doctors aren't you?" He sat on the bed next to you taking your hand in his.

"Ugh yes! I hate being poked and prodded by doctors. I had to deal with that a lot in my childhood and really don't care for it as an adult." He chuckled as he leaned in and kissed your forehead. He looked at you softly as he patted your head lovingly.

"I will go with you and stay with you during the whole check up... actually I'll even take you to my doctor so you can keep him even after we are married." You wanted to protest the whole doctor situation but the way he said 'even after we are married' caught you off guard and made your stomach flutter.

"I have no choice do I?" He shook his head with a small smile.

"Nope sorry! I'll give him a call now so let's get you dressed and then I will get dressed and we will head in." You nod and get up and head straight for the shower.


After the doctor's appointment you had to go get some meds from the pharmacy. The doctor told you, you had caught the flu and because of your compromised immune system it was hitting you extra hard. He gave you some antibiotics with a few other things and sent you home as long as you promised to drink a lot of fluids and eat little by little.

"After the pharmacy, do you want me to drop you off at home and then go to the store? I can get you soup and popsicles and a few of your favorite juices." You had your eyes closed next to him as he drove with the seat reclined so you were laying back.

"Sure but can we cuddle first?" You heard him chuckle and then felt his hand on your thigh.

"You turn into such a baby when you are sick... But yes we can cuddle and when you fall asleep I'll go to the store." The pharmacy moved quickly and you stayed in the car while he went to get the prescription.

Once you made it home you went straight to the room. Stripping the clothes you had on and throwing your bra across the room you pulled an oversized T-shirt on and laid back in the bed. Hyungwon was getting ready to lay next to you when the doorbell went off.

He went to open the door and you heard Oemmas voice fill the apartment. You smiled at the warmth that you had felt just hearing her voice.

"Hey I brought you homemade soup and I stopped by to get juice and I thought you could use these pedialyte popsicles." You look past oemma to Hyungwon shrugging which made you want to laugh.

"Thanks oemma I appreciate it." She pressed the back of her hand to your forehead and neck, turning to Hyungwon and talking with their eyes.

"I'll go prepare the soup and bring it up." She left the room with Hyungwon following her but a few seconds later Hyungwon walks in rubbing the back of his head and mumbling under his breath.

"You okay?" You pat the bed next to you so he can sit down.

"Yeah she hit me for trying to help her. I swear if I wasn't deathly afraid of her..."

"You would do nothing because you love her too much and you are a lover not a fighter." He lays back and turns to wrap his arm around you. He sighs annoyed and in defeat.

"You are right! Are the meds kicking in and making you feel better?" You nod now, able to fully open your eyes without pain.

"I am scared you are going to get sick next." He shook his head and showed you his arm.

"The nurse gave me the flu shot as soon as we walked in." He pulls his sleeve back down and nuzzles his face into your neck.

"Thank you for being patient with me." He lifts his head to look at you then kisses your forehead.

"You will be my wife in no time, and I love you so much, more than you could ever imagine. So if I have to sit next to you at every doctor's appointment for the rest of our lives and hold your hand... So be it! I wouldn't want to do anything else." You smiled and moved around so your head was on his chest.

"I am going to take a nap now. Love you"

"I'll be here when you wake up. I love you!"

(A/N: UUUGGGGHHHHH How I hate filler Chapter lol! If you have followed me for a bit of time you know that I hate writing filler chapters as much as you all hate reading them. They are sadly necessary and even though I am fully aware of that and you all are to that doesn't make it any less easier on me. Anyways I hope you enjoy this small fluffy filler. I def do not like it but here it is lol)

Hyungwon Boyfriend series of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now