First Date

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Standing in the bathroom mirror you finished your last layer of mascara and started on your lip gloss when you hear a knock on the door. You look down at your phone to see the time before rushing to grab your purse and coat. You look at yourself in the mirror by the door one more time straightening your shirt out and pushing a piece of stray hair behind your ear.

"Hey!" Hyungwon smiles looking you up and down at you when you open the door. You smile mirroring his actions towards him. He looked super handsome in his black jeans and a white button-up shirt with a few buttons undone. The Jean jacket and sneakers tie the whole outfit together.

"Hey!" The blush crept up to your cheeks and ears when you saw the flowers behind his back appear in front of you.

"You look very good" He chuckles rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Thank you! You look very handsome as always" You giggle wrapping your arm around his and resting your hand on his bicep.

"Thank you" he laughed walking over to the elevator and pressing the button to go down.

"Where are we going?" You asked a bit nervous. His hand landed on yours on his bicep and he turned his head to look at you. His smile was comforting which eased your nerves a bit.

"You'll see" He guided you into the elevator and pressed the button for the Lobby.


Laughter filled the raccoon cafe as you sat on the floor next to Hyungwon with a raccoon in your lap playing with the fake flowers braided into your hair. Your legs were crossed with the raccoon's back on your inner thighs swatting at your hair. Hyungwon sat next to you with one leg crossed and the other one extended holding up half of his body with the arm propped behind you. His chest would hit your shoulder every once in a while crushing the small amount of space between the two of you.

"Would you two like a picture?" The shop employee asked catching your attention and pointing to the Polaroid camera in her hand. You look over to Hyungwon that was already looking at you with a soft fond expression on his face.

"Sure why not" you replied. Hyungwon scooted closer while you got ready for the picture. The flash went off and Hyungwon stood up to take the picture from the employee.

"Thank you!" he said sitting back down next to you.

"No problem... by the way... you two make a cute couple!" You look down at the raccoon in your lap with this silly smile on your face and a faint blush on your cheeks you were trying to hide.

"Ah... Thank you" Hyungwon yells when they start walking away rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"You ready to go?" You turn and ask him. He stands up extending his hand and pulls you up to your feet. He takes your purse and coat holding your hand all the way to the car.

The ride to take you home was pretty quiet until the car stopped at a red light.

"I hope you had a good time?" Hyungwon turns to you. You take his hand and intertwine your small fingers with his.

"I actually had the best time ever" You bat your eyelashes at him. You turn your head to see the light turn green so you let go of his hand and point to the light.

"I'm very glad and relieved you had such a good time... do you think we can make this a thing for a while? Just go on dates once a week if we are both not busy?" The butterflies in your stomach had been awakened and your mind wandered to the comforting and warm thought of seeing him every week.

"I would love that!" The rest of the ride was pretty silent until he parked in front of your building.

"Let me walk you in." He turned off the car and jogged over to open the door for you. You cling to his arm as the both of you walked into your building and to the elevator.

"How about we go to the park and get ice cream next week... we could have a picnic as well." The keys in your hand jiggled as you unlocked your door.

"That sounds like a great plan. The weather is supposed to be very nice next week." Hyungwon extends his hand with the Polaroid in it and hands it to you.

"I'll call you tonight when I get home, okay" he takes your hand and kisses the top of it. All the words you had in your vocabulary in multiple languages disappeared as you blinked slowly watching him disappear in the elevator.

Once he was gone and you walked inside you looked down at the photo. He was looking at you while you were smiling with the raccoon in your lap just chilling and loving the belly rubs you were giving him.

You walk into the kitchen and stick it to your fridge with a huge smile spread on your face.

'I hope you know how bad I am falling for you Chae Hyungwon' You said out loud to yourself. You took a Sharpie out from the drawer next to the fridge and wrote the date on the picture with a small heart next to it. You touched the Polaroid picture one last time and skipped away to your room for the night.

Hyungwon Boyfriend series of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now