Puppy Fever

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Standing outside the apartment you felt this strong pulse of anxiety fill your chest as you look down at the leash in your had with the puppy sitting patiently at your feet on the other end of it. He was wagging his tail staring up at you fondly. You had fallen in love with this puppy a few weeks ago but when you met him he was still too young to come home. You planned on telling Hyungwon about it but with everything going on it never got brought up. Now you stand outside your apartment door with your first child wagging its tail so cutely praying Hyungwon wasn't home.

"Babe I'm home" you yell from the door way as you open the door and shut it right behind you. Leaning against the door and putting your finger to your lips as a sign to stay quiet, as the puppy looks up at you.

"Hey I'm in the living room in the middle of something." You make your way to the living room with the pup in your arms as you try and tiptoe past the living room.

Hyungwon sat on the couch with his laptop on his lap and his back facing you. You looked at the puppy and continued to try and sneak past him. Half way up the stairs to your room you stop at his deep voice filling your ears.

"What are you trying to unsuccessfully hide from me?" He asks without turning around. You sigh in defeat and place the puppy on the ground. The taps of his foot steps following you have it away instantly.

"I got a dog!" You walk around into the living room and sit next to him. The puppy jumps on your lap and climbs over into Hyungwon's lap. Hyungwon's eyes widen in surprise as he melts at the ball of fur in front of him.

"Have you named it?" He pets the all black soft, curly haired puppy that looked so small compared to him but seemed so big in your arms.

"No, I've been brainstorming but wait... aren't you mad I got a dog?" He pulled his attention away from the dog, takes your hand in his, and looked at you indifferently.

"No why would I? I actually was thinking of getting one for us as well but you know great minds think alike." He kisses your cheek and stands up with the puppy walking towards the kitchen. You sat there confused and bit dazed since you thought he would react the complete opposite way.

"Wait I'm confused!" You follow Hyungwon to the kitchen where he is feeding the dog a bacon strip.

"Confused about what? That I didn't react irrationally and harsh. There is no reason to do that. I have known you wanted a dog for quite sometimes now and I'm okay with you getting one. Look I think he likes me." You were thankful that from the very beginning of your relationship honestly and telling each other anything no matter how small or dumb it was created the foundation to what you have today.

"Okay fair enough... I knew you wouldn't react that way but a part of me still thought you would. I don't know my ex reacted that way to a lot of things." Your eyes widened as his shoulders dropped. You had never mentioned anything about your ex to him due to all the trauma and discomfort it brought you.

"That's the first time you bring them up. I knew they weren't a good person due to Ali but I never thought you would still have reservations in doing things because of them." You inhaled deeply and picked up the dog holding him in your arms and walking over to Hyungwon, wrapping your free arm around him hugging him tightly.

"I don't! I know that with you I am safe to be my chaotic self and that you encourage it. I just knew a dog was a big deal and I planned to tell you when I first reserved him but it slipped my mind until it was too late. I'm sorry." Hyungwon kisses the top of your head, your forehead, your nose, and then your lips.

"I love you and a dog will not ruin that. Now what are we naming our son? It's a boy right?" You laugh and nod your head at his question.

"Yes it's a boy and I think we should name him Jax whatcha think?" He looks at the puppy and repeats the name a few times. His face scrunches up in dissatisfaction hinting that he didn't like the name.

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