Ch 13

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I woke you to Cam on the floor being held down by two guys (Aphrodite cabin) and Drew on top of me. She was starting to undo her shirt. I looked to see it was 6. Zoey had left for early exercise. I seen my pen on the floor. I reached down for it.
"Oh No you don't." One of the Aphrodite guys took it. Crap. I felt my watch. I had one of those light bulb moments. I hit the watch as hard as I could against the wall. brought my arm down in between me and Drew. 3...2...1...shield. My watch sprung open into a full size bronze shield whit leather straps. Thank you Tyson. (He made everyone in the Poseidon cabin one like Percy's.) I pushed Drew off of me, grabbed my dagger, and held it at Drew's throat.

" let Cam go, and I won't slit her throat." they both let go of cam and ran out the door.

"tom, you know you want me."

"I may slit your throat, for just trying to rape me. I took her out the back door, and threw her in the small lake. she came up and started flailing. I willed the current to put her on the shore.

"NEVER do that again!" I yelled. She took off running. Cam came over to me and started massaging my back. We went back in. I laid on the bed with my face in the pillow. I moved the pillow so that my forehead was on it, not my face. Cam continued to massage my back.
I woke up and it was 7. Tony, Thalia, and Zoey. Were standing over me. I vaguely remember Cam leaving.
"Tom why did you sexually assault Drew?" Thalia said.
"Why did I do what?!?"
"Drew came to us, and she told us that you held her down, started taking off your clothes, then hers, you where about to rape her, but she got free." Tony said.
"Wo, that happened the other way around. Drew was on me, I tried grabbing my sword, but the 2 Aphrodite guys who where holding down Cam grabbed it first. So I use my shield to make a barrier, I pushed her of, grabbed my dagger, held it at her throat, then threw her in the lake, I willed the current to put her on the shore."
They looked at each other.
"Tom we are gonna have to send you away, so we can investigate this. Tom I'm-"
"No, I understand. Leo finish that subway?"
"Yes. But-"
"I'll leave for new rome in 1 hour." I when over to my dresser as they all left. All but Zoey.
"Arn't you gonna tell Cam?"
"No, I need some time alone."
"Ok" she walked out the door.
I finished packing. I walked outside and there was Drew. I immediately unsheathed my sword. I held it at her throat.
"When they question you, tell them the truth, don't use that stupid charmspeak." I let the sword go back to it's sheath and I walked off. I got to bunker 9 and went to the deepest level. I got in the subway car, and it started for new rome.
I got there and went straight to my house. I set everything down, then went and got something to eat. I hope Cam gets the note I left her, and won't come.

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