ch 15

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I woke up. Cam wasn't here. I walked out to the beach. I stepped into the water. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. I tensed
"It's ok, I'm not Drew" I heard Cam.
I thought of a sailing ship, like used in the old days (before iron ships). I seen a dot on the horizon.
"Thank you dad." I said.
"What?" She seen the dot ( a lot bigger now) "what the?"
The object got closer. I could make out the shape of two masts, and the hull of a ship. It was vary close now, a small crown had formed. It kept coming.
"EVERYONE MOVE!" I yelled.
The ship sailed right onto the beach. Some of it was still in the water, but, most was on the beach. A rope ladder fell down. I climbed up it, followed by Cam. I looked around, and found a hatch to the lower deck.
"Cam! Over here."
We went in. The place was stocked with food, celestial bronze weapons, (and celestial bronze cannon balls?)
I had 6 rooms, and 1 cabin. We went back up to find cannons on the deck.
"Weird." I said
"Go get packed."
I looked into the much larger crowd now, and pick out a random guy.
"You." I said. "You want to be on a quest?"
"Um sure."
"Go get packed then."
I ran to grab my bag. When I got back a huge crowd had formed, Tony was tring to break it up. I climbed up the ladder, followed by Cam, and the random guy I picked. Tony seen us climb on.
"OK!" He yelled "everyone push the boat."
"IT'S NOT A BOAT, IT'S A SHIP! I yelled at him.
He smiled, soon we where in the water on the way south.

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