Ch 2

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I woke up at 8:30. I got ready for my first class even though it wasn't for another 2 hours. I the left my cabin just as Percy got back.
"Sup" I said
"Sup." He said " where you going?"
"Arena, still have 2 hours of free time so."
"Cool, I'm just here for my shield, then im going to the arena to." He said.
"Sweet, can you help me with that deflecting technique?" I asked
"Thanks!" I said as I rushed out the door. I got to the arena and started to practice on a dummy. A couple of minutes later Percy got there.
"Hey." He said.
"Ok, lets first test what you've learned over winter break." He said.
"Ok" we started to fight. I was winning for a minute, then that all changed when he jumped over me, now he was behind me... not good. I turned to find a sword at my face. I keep a straight face as Cameron snuck up behind him. I grin. He had a confused look on his face. Next thing he knew there was a dagger at his throat. I leved my sword at his chest.
"Dang it Annabeth!" He said, I laughed.
"Annabeth is at archery" said Cam.
"Ugh... Cam your gonna get it." he said as he tossed his sword to the side.
"Not if I can stop it." I said. We lowered our weapons.
"I got to go check in, be right back." Said Cam. She ran off towards the Big house.
"I had you till you jumped over me..." I said
"Ya, good job." He commented me. "Ok, lets get to work on the deflect."
"Ok!" I said. He started teaching me the deflect.
"Ok, lets test it" said Percy.
"Ok" we started, man he's going hard on me this time. I seen a left strike coming. I quickly reacted, I did the deflect, his sword went flying. I caught it in my left hand, I then leved it at his throat, and put me sword behind the back of his neck.
"Gg" I said.
"Nice job." He said. I beat Percy Jackson at sword fighting!
"Wow!" I replied.
I lowered my weapons, and gave Percy back riptide. I clicked the trident where the hilt becomes blade, my sword shrunk to its pen size. It is nothing like riptide, I made it myself, and it clicks, it doesn't have a cap, like riptide, and I press a button to make it a pen( the trident). I put my sword in my pocket.
"Thanks Percy!" I said before running off to find Cam.
I seen Cam just walking out of the big house, I flipped up my hood, and thought, invisible. My hoodie was enchanted by Hecate's children so when I think of being invisible when the hood is up, boom, invisibly. Plus they also enchanted it to not keep me warm unless it is cold, and I asked Calypso do he magic thing to make it grow with me, so ya. I slow crypt up on Cam, visible I thought. She ran right into me. We both fell.
"Watch where you go." I said casually.
"You, oh your gonna get it." She said. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her.
" how bout we spend the next hour I have together?" I suggested.
"Ok" she said. We got up and went to my cabin.
After an hour of catching up, I when to Annabeth's cabin. "Annabeth?"
"Ya, come in Tom." I heard her say, she was by a bookcase, probably getting books for me to study.
"Wat I learning today?" I asked
"You mean wat we learning today?" I heard Tony say. I turned to see him in the doorway.
"Not much."
We learned about gaea's plan to destroy the world, both times, And the heros. I left there and went to archery, after that, lunch, after that, everyone had an hour of free time. Then I went to sword fight, then I taught a special class of learning how to swim (with Percy).
People there
-Drew :( yuck
-Annabeth, although I don't thing she was there to learn.
-Sam, child of Ares
-And Malcom
I then went to the climbing wall, then dinner, after that campfire, then another hour of free time, which I spent with Cam at my cabin, after awhile we went to the dining pavilion, to the third piller at the back, where there was a hardly visible marble ladder. We climbed to the top. We lay there looking at the stars.
"How was school?" I asked
"Good, you?" She said
"Same as ever." We sat there after a while I pulled her closer to me and kissed her, we broke for air, then she kissed me. The horn for curfew went off, wee climbed down, and ran to our cabins. I fell asleep.

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