Ch 17

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I woke up in the hammock with an arm across my chest, and another holding my hand. I looked over and seen Cam. There was a knock on the door. Crap. I looked around for a blanket, and couldn't find one. He knocked again. I threw on my clothes, and opened the door slightly.
"The ship just stopped, I can't get it to go again."
"We must be at our destination then."
"Is Cameron in there?"
"Ya, she's still sleeping."
"Oh, ok"
We stood there for a minute.
"Well, I'm going to my bunk"
"Ok, bye."
I closed the door. And went back in. Cameron was awake.
She went to the closest, put on a shirt and a pair of pants.
We went out of the cabin, and was met by a vast jungle. There was a huge river about 50 feet in front of the ship.
"Where are we?" Cam asked.
"The Amazon river." I said, don't ask how, but I just knew. I ordered the ship to ready a long boat. We got in, Cam and Jack (the random guy I picked) started to row. I willed the current to propel us forward. They almost lost the paddles. We where about 3 miles down rive when a temple appeared, out of thin air.
"I'm guessing that's where we go."
We got out and walked up to the temple. I felt the power of the ocean, a strong power. There was one room, and in the center was a trident. I walked up to it, and almost got my head shot off.
I looked to the left, where the arrow came from, then to the right. I went to the ground and army crawled to the trident. I stood up, grabbed it, and watched a pressure plate rise.
"RUN!" I yelled.
The roof started to fall, we ran, we got to the long boat as Indians started running out after us. I willed the current to move us away. They started throwing javelin's at us. We got to the boat, I willed it to take us up. It then automatically set a course. I knew it was taking us to Poseidon. I went down to the celler room.
"Lets see, beer, beer, rum, more rum, root beer!" I grabbed two bottles and went back up. I gave one to cam, who was sitting on a cannon ( one of which was not tied down).
"I wouldn't sit there in the next minute." She quickly got up.
"Why?" She asked. The ship suddenly turned hard to port. "ahh."
I grabbed her hand before she hit the deck. I pulled her back up.
"Your welcome." I gave her the pop. And opened mine.
"Tom, I...I need you, I... I don't know what I'd do without you." We set down our pop's. I wrapped my arms around her. She stated to cry.
"Hey, its ok. Its ok." The ship suddenly stopped. "We're here, I'll be back, I need to give this to my dad."
I grabbed the trident and jumped ship. I slowly sunk to the bottom. The palace was awesome. I walked through the court yard to the main room. Poseidon was sitting on a Throne in the center (he was in his normal form), to his left a young woman, who I assume is his wife, to his right was a young man wearing bronze armor, a guard possibly. I kneed down
"Son, I believe you have something for me?"
"Yes." I grabbed the trident which I had wrapped in a cloth. I unwrapped it and threw it to him. As it went through the water it got bigger, to his size.
"Thank you." He said, "I would love to have you stay, but I believe you have a mutiny on your hands."
"Go, and good luck, you with face a challenging question."
The currents propelled me up. I slowed when I got close to the ship. My head emerged from the water. I climbed in through a cannon hatch. If there is a mutiny I can get ready. I grabbed a bow and a quiver full of arrows, a spear, and a bottle of rum along with a couple of matches.
I got above deck and seen Jack with a bow and arrow aimed at the main mast. I knocked an arrow, and took aim at Jack, I slowly moved around the mast and seen Cameron tied up to it. He change his aim to me.
"I wouldn't shot her, I love her too much to do that. But, you are the problem. I've been trying to get to her for the past year! Bit you have always been there, in the way, it's time that ends."
I quickly changed aim to Cam.
"You wouldn't."
"Or would I?" I let go, the shop cut her bonds, I grabbed another arrow and took aim, we let go at the same time. I felt a deep pain in the right side of my chest. I looked down, the arrow hit me in the chest. I looked at him, mine hit him in the gut, I grabbed another arrow, and shot, this time it hit his heart. He fell to the ground. I fell to my knees, Cam rushed over, she was saying something, but I couldn't her. My vision stated to go blurry. Cam laid me down gently. The last thing I thought before I blacked out was "home".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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