Chapter 19

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 "Well, Lb is really smart, he knows how to clean fish, identify plants, cook mushrooms, hunt-" C started, only to get cut off by Lilly.

"Dude, we got it." Teague got a fire started and they shared one of the birds for their dinner. Afterwards C and Maverick hung the rest of the animals in a tall tree nearby and then settled in for one more night.

Next morning, Lb and Haley were up really early, for it was the morning they were expecting Lilly, Maverick, Teague and C to return. They planned to have the 2 teepees all tidied up and have a feast waiting for them. "Can you believe we made all this?" Haley said, stepping back.

"Yeah, you would've had to make 5 more if we were on a hunting trip." Lb responded with a sarcastic tone.

"That's not funny, anyways, what else should we cook for them when they return? All we have is fish." Haley said.

"Well I could go berry, you're gonna find out anyway. Here, I have this. I saved it from the fire." Lb said pulling out a small cloth bag. Haley opened it and inside were a bunch of jolly ranchers.

"Lb! When and Where did you get this!?" Haley exclaimed, pulling out a blue rancher.

"Do you really want to know?" Lb asked, snatching the bag from Haley.

"Yes." Haley said.

"Ok. About 3 months before you guys showed up in our village, we were attacked by 3 men. They shot 3 of our guards and my dog, Bouc. They burned down houses and then just left. I followed them for days and they entered a large house. I watched them through the windows and saw they were with 3 girls and a baby bot. And 2 ladies. The girls came outside and saw me so I hid. They found me and I asked if they were in trouble. They said they lived in the house and their fathers had just gotten back from a hunting trip.

I explained to them what their fathers had hunted and they gave me a bag with lots of interesting foods. I didn't want it, but I took 2 bags of these candies. Then I found C and my father when I was heading back. I got in trouble and the only people who know about these candies are you and C. Well only you now." Lb explained with a sad expression.

"Aw, that's so sad. But at least we have candy. By the way, these are called jolly ranchers." Haley said, reaching into the bag for another one.

"I don't see what's so jolly about them. The blue one held my mouth shut for half an hour." Lb said.

"You're supposed to suck on it." Haley said, laughing.

"I'll go find the berries and other materials. I guess we could use a restock." Lb said, rushing off. Haley giggled and turned to set up a fire and table. She and Lb had discovered that they could make a table by stabbing sticks into the ground and then laying thick half cut logs across to make a table like shape. Haley started the fire and gutted 4 freshly caught fish. She had to cook them one by one because the stick was only so big. After the fish were done cooking, she tore the fish meat apart and set it on a charred slab of wood near the fire. Haley stepped back and admired her work. A small fire and a table, 3 comfy and safe teepees, jolly ranchers, and clean clothes. I wouldn't mind staying here forever. She thought to herself. 

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