Chapter 14

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Sorry for updating super late, yeah... I know was like a year and a half ago, just became very busy for work. but I hope you still love me... I mean, the story. Please VOTE. COMMENT. and SHARE. :3 thank you!

<3 Tin


Chapter 14

The car was a long ride home even if it will only take a few kilometers to get her home.

"ahm, we've been driving for quite a while now, where do you want me to drop you?" Jared asked Chartreuse.

"—at home." She answered plainly.

"look C, if you don't want me to get near your house, it is fine, I can drop you off 5 blocks away from your house and besid—-"

"how generous you are Dr. Colton, but I wouldn't mind if you drop me at my little home and share you a coffee"

That would be lovely, what has gotten to you, inviting me at your home C? Jared said to himself, he was quite shock of the sudden invitation of Chartreuse despite the fact she was fuming earlier of getting her home through his car.

"turn right to Maple Street" she broke his self debate for her directions. He immediately followed her instructions.

For not long, he was driving real slow through a quiet town when suddenly Chartreuse asked him to pull over in front of a small duplex house illuminated by flashing LED outside.

He grinned, "Christmas eh?!"

"Andy was insisting since the first day of September—" C covered her mouth for the sudden openness from her language, she never meant to open about Andy to Jared, Not this early at least.

"Who is Andy?!"

She was left with no option but to divert Jared's attention to another thing. "Let's get inside, it's getting cold here, we have fine coffee inside".

When she rang the bell, her mother immediately open the door and saw her with somebody. "Hi there! Good evening my dear, you are with somebody?"

"Yes ma, I never thought that you would stay this late"

"Oh how rude of me, please ask your friend to stay inside, it is cold, I'll boil the coffee"

She offered Jared a seat while she checks upstairs. She was a bit nervous when she did not find Andy on his bed. "Ma, where is Andy? I thought Erin got him home?"

Her mom was about to answer when the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Jared stood and open the door, when a fine man enter the door. His large frame adjusted to the door when he tried to fit in while holding a boy on his arm.

Jared stared at the man holding the child he frequently see in the hospital, immediately his blood boil. He doesn't have any idea of  why his blood is boiling, all he felt was anger. His even fisted his handkerchief, he was sure of one thing, whoever the man is, he better stay away with C.

"hey! I heard Chartreuse arrived. So I brought Andy back in. Where is she?" Henry asked.

Chartreuse rushed down stairs when she ehard henry's voice. "Oh1 Sorry to have Andy with you!"

Who is this man? And the Andy boy? Are they family? He looked at Chartreuse carefully getting Andy from the arms of Henry.

"I'll have it Char, where do you want me to place Andy?" Henry said again.

"if you don't mind, can you have him tucked in bed again? He really loves it when you do that?"

Even asked the man to bring the child to his bed? Who Are you? I swear I am going to rip off your head from your neck. He said to himself before Chartreuse and Henry descended from the staircase laughing.

"I'll better get going, Chartreuse. I have a long day tomorrow for the Bake sale, Whoever you are young man, I am pleased to meet you". Maria said.

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am. I am Jared Colton by the way—"

"He is my boss!" Erin interjected.

"See you then young man," Maria kissed the forehead of her daughter and gave Henry a tap on the shoulder.

They must be real close to each other the mere fact that Mrs. Rogers were able to gave those gesture. Who is this man Chartreuse, you better be telling the truth later.


"Bye mom!" she went to the kitchen as Jared only scrutinized Henry from head to toe. "Do you mind having a cup too, Henry?" C asked from the kitchen.

"No, I am fine, I'll better be going to, the air became very heavy here" Henry answered.

"Oh! I am sorry for not introducing you! Henry, this is the owner of the hospital and Erik's Cardiologists, Jared Colton"

"Hi! Doctor, It is indeed a pleasure to meet you outside the hospital and this early than the scheduled"

Jared sighed in relief. After all, this man is not a villain on my way.

"Jared, he is Erik's father, the patient we were discussing earlier in your office?"

Jared extended a hand, but he was thinking of the other scene happened in his office earlier aside from the discussion of the child's health.

"I better be going to, C. My wife and my son are waiting for me, don't get mad to Andy, I picked him here, Erik's looking for a playmate, you know we don't allow him to go outside and play, we only trust Andy."

"No worries, Henry. That's fine. I'll swing by tomorrow, kiss Erik for me!"

Jared waited for Henry to close the door. He has lots of questions and there is no other day to ask these to Chartreuse aside from today. As soon as the door met the frame...

"Who is Andy's father?"

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