Chapter 5

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“M-mommy, Erik’s mom told me that I can come over this evening” Andy told me.

“are you done with you home works?” I asked.


“memorized the poem for English?”

“Yes, mommy!”

“then go pack everything! I’ll call Erika to tell her that you’ll go” I answered dialing Erika’s number.

“Thanks mommy! The best!” Andy answered.

That simple remark from my son is simply the best. Nothing I would want to as an exchange of. Andy is my everything. He is the reason why I am working hard and I am breathing.

Everything has changed now. I have become a better person for my 5- year old son, Andy. I have left everything at home and settled in the busy town of New York with my very supportive best friend Erin.

Since the event on the mansion, Erin and Zac never left me, thought they fought most of the time but I am okay with the arrangement as long as Jared doesn’t have any idea at all.

Erin and I were hired by Zac to teach in their University, Thompson’s. Being a doctor of our specialized field, I handled classes in Pediatrics as part time as for Erin on dentistry.

I still managed to give back my scholarship grants on Colton’s foundation and scholarship grants for serving the hospital as a pediatrician. Yes, I work at Colton’s, don’t get me wrong, after we moved out on the nearby city, Jared flew to Greece. Zac told me to free himself from the past who hunts him and to specialized more on cardiology.

Jared never knew about who was the woman he had sex with. We never told him. We never planned to.

I lived with Erin in this house. Erin is as single as always but believe me, I am sure that Zac has something with Erin but he is afraid to let her know that is why most of the time they fight. Both of them are godparents of Andy, as you see, my child became a spoiled not on the extend of being a problem child. As a matter of factly, he ace the periodical exam last fall that makes him as the top of the class.

“Uhm, hello?...hello… Char? You still there?” Erika asked over the line.

“Yes, Erika, Sorry. Andy told me that you and Erik is inviting him for a sleep over?”

“Yes, Erik forced me to have one since most of the kids on the block wants to have, you see they are friends with each other”

“Would that be okay with you?”

“Of course, Matt, Chris, and Alex will also come, their moms already confirmed, and I was just waiting for you!”

“I see”

“Char, Don’t worry, we have been friends since we both gave birth on the same hospital, on the same date, on the same time, Andy is like a son to me, same with Erik, they are like brothers! You can come over your lawn to get here.” She laughed.

We live  beside the Andrews, That’s why Erika laughed out loud because I can literally go to them whenever I ran out of sugar or salt.

“I take your silence as a Yes, come over together with Andy, let’s head back to school, I left the grade sheets there”

“alright, who’s there to look for the kids?”

“Mom is here, we’ll have a jaunt to the University, did you left something as well?”

“yes, good then, be ready at 3” Erika hung up.

I turned around from the direction of the door, there I see the ever supportive godmother holding my 5 year old son, “hey, Andy called, he doesn’t have a toothpaste for the sleep over, we’ll go”

“Erin, you know we have spare” I forcefully say.

“I think that won’t do, right Andy?” Erin shrugged as he looked at the ever adorable Andy.

“ha- ha, very supportive godmother, okay, be back at 5!” I told both of them.

“lessen the junkfood dear. Good thing that the other supportive g—“ as the door burst open.

“my little boy asked me to buy soap as well?” Zac told me.

Hallelujah! It’s 3 on 2. What should I do?

“Okay, okay! Please look after my angel will you? I look at Zac and Erin.

“we will, Ah, Zac, I saw you have an appointment today with the patient with brain tumor? Why are you here?” Erin asked Zac.

“Checking my schedule, my lady? The meeting with the patient was earlie than expected, we had it at 10” Zac asked in full humor.

“In your dreams Thompson!, Andy will take my car, you go have yours” and with that everybody disappeared on my sight.

I demanded that I should one to drive since Erika drive 40 kph. Not that I am degrading her, it just, something I can’t stand.

“I heard that there will be a new instructor on the medical department, somebody told me he is specializing in Greece. And I note this, he is good looking, same with your age, twenty-eight.” Erika told me while batting her lashes at the passenger seat like a hormonal teenager.

“heard that too, heard that he will take over the department as well” I said.

“I hope we have that kind of instructor in Literature Department, gosh! I will never go home to Henry anymore!” She giggled.

“Erika, may I just remind you, that you are 32 years old already not 18 to giggle and you have Henry at home, stop ogling with the new instructor, you haven’t seen him as well, you are not sure whether the rumor is true.” I said not even interested on the person we are talking to.

“what-ever-you-say look on your face, I will definitely come frequently on your office-ly and department-ly to see this hunk-of-a-doctor-and-instructor!” Erika said harmoniously.

“So, I’ll expect that you’ll have twisted panties all the time, if you are coming to my office?” I asked.

“Absolutely! Char, drop me at the grocery, me buying pasta for the kids –“

“And no Chicken on the menu!” we both say. Andy is allergic to Chicken, he got that from Jared. I do not stalk Jared, I heard that from Zac and the way I see it, I have a big crush on him remember?

“We’ll do! Buh-bye Char-y!” Erika jumped out of the car as I head to the hospital to get the records of my patients.

I arrived at Colton’s Hospital just in time to see that my office is being renovated, seeing that there is another table being situated inside.

“who instructed the other table inside?” I asked the nurses from the quarter.

“You’ll be sharing the office with Dr. Clark, Dr. Rogers” Clara, the head nurse told me.

“Why is that so? What happened to her office at the 3rd floor? The new owner will be taking it from now on, Dr. Rogers” Clara motioned to her fingers.

“New owner? I haven’t heard about that, when this new owner will be arriving?”

“Dr. Clark, said that her boyfriend, the new owner will be arriving later this evening Dr. Rogers.” I didn’t know that Emily Clark do have a boyfriend who will be taking over Dr. Emmanuel Colton’s position. This is a complete disaster…

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