21.Beautiful Pawn and Wedding

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"You didn't wear your necklace" Wan Yeo said looking at the female who was enjoying her strawberries.

"It is too precious for me to wear it everyday" she replied.

He chuckled "I'll give you another one just to keep it in your drawer,so wear the other one everyday,hm?"

She nodded "sure" and ate her strawberry.

"Do you want some?" She asked showing him the strawberry.

He gently shook his head with a smile,"You look too happy eating them"

"It's so good,taste them,here" she said and keep a strawberry near his lips.

How can he deny her?

"It does taste good"


He nodded at her.

"How is Leo doing?" She asked "it's been a while I haven't seen him"

"He's doing good" he smiled.

"When you come to the wedding tomorrow,bring him too"

He nodded "Sure, I'll inform him"

"Okay then" she stood up "I'll be leaving now" she took her bag.

"I'll drop you" he was just behind her.

"No need"

"Yes absolutely need"she chuckled at him,let herself enjoyed the company of her boyfriend.


"I don't want to attend some unknown's wedding "Leo complaint while closing the door of a car.

"You were invited by Y/n" Wan Yeo replied as he fixed his hair.

"But I don't want to go"

"I don't want you to be there either"

Wan Yeo love his brother,but right now he's just going to be third wheeling.

Wan Yeo wants Y/n's attention and time all alone by himself.

"Then why are you taking with me?"

"I told you,Y/n told me to bring you"Replied Wan Yeo with a sigh.


"Isa" Wan Yeo called her.

She nodded and imparted to Leo "Whatever,it means whatever in this world said or requested by Miss Y/n is to be never deny"

"What?" Leo had a dumbfounded look on his face as he was looking at Isa.

"Why are you acting as if Y/n is your girlfriend?"

"She is."


"My girlfriend" Wan Yeo flashed a small smile,shrugging his shoulder.

"What is happening?"

"Please stop talking,I want to rest" Wan Yeo said while leaning on his seat and closing his eyes "Daniel"


Daniel passed a duct tape to Leo,which Leo took with a confusing look,he never encountered the situation before because he had never annoyed Wan Yeo like he did today.

Daniel passing the duct tape shows respect towards Leo,If it was anyone else other than Leo they would be thrown out of the car then and there.

And no, there's no chance of Y/n in that situation, if Daniel ever did even a mere "Please be quiet" with utmost respect,he would be buried alive by Wan Yeo with his bare hands.

When they reached the Grand wedding held by Neiz family,Wan Yeo was heavily and carefully welcomed.

Wan Yeo's state was calm and reserved,but his mind was wandering about Y/n and his eyes slowly wandering around the hall among the sophisticated people.

And he actually found her standing wearing a beautiful blue dress,looking so angelic and out of the world, looking at the two couple on the stage.

Throughout the wedding ceremony Wan Yeo's eyes were mostly on Y/n.

And she was as consistent at looking at the couple.

He aslo further noticed that Nalie is standing with her.

"Shall I call Miss Y/n for you?" Daniel offered, Wan Yeo looked at Daniel beside him.

Although as much as he would like to be with her,he remembered she told him she likes privacy and anonymity.

It makes her feel safe,and if he approached her in the public and media,he wouldn't like the attention at all.

"No need" he replied.

However Isa had heard their conversation,and as sign of caring she went to her nonetheless, just to remind Y/n that there is a man who wants her attention.

Wan Yeo kept watching her,and noticed how she was vigorously blinking when the couples were kissing and moved from her place.

She was lost in the crowd and her little secratary following behind her.

Wan Yeo couldn't hold himself anymore and started to follow her,leaving Daniel behind him.

After a long 4 min walk around the hall he ended up in a long hallway where there was no one at the view.

Y/n and Nalie were in the balcony of the hallway of the hallway.

Wan Yeo followed the sound of sobs and conversation held between the two females.

"-but you have Mr.Lee now,boss. He's very good to you, Isn't he?" Nalie comforted Y/n whose tears were flowing silently.

By the words of that Wan Yeo stopped behind the curtains,and decided not to show up,Wan Yeo doesn't have a bad habit of eavesdropping,but it's Y/n.

He can't possibly let be Y/n alone, especially when he's crying.

"Don't be affected by Mr.Ethan anymore,he is not good for you,you have Mr.Lee now" she was crying for Ethan,Wan Yeo had a small smile,a smile that always formed when he's in agony due to Y/n.

By hearing that,Y/n started to sob more,she felt so bad for Wan Yeo,and felt ashamed at herself for crying for Ethan.

She slowly slouched down and hid her face in her arms.

"I don't..love Wan Yeo,Nalie" she said "I..don't"

"What do you mean? he's your boyfriend" Y/n look up at Nalie who was standing.

"He's just a..just a pawn for me to avoid getting married to a stranger" she said with a heavy heart "you know my father"

Nalie was too surprised to say anything,she didn't expect Y/n to do anything like that.

"What..what are you talking about?" Nalie asked hesitantly not believing what she heard.

So does the man standing behind the walls,to say broken was understatement, he could not feel or hear nothing at all except the words spoken by Y/n.

She doesn't love him.

Wan Yeo knew it was too good to be true.

As he turned around to leave,he accidentally knocked of the flower vase beside him.

By the sound of it,Y/n and Nalie both got startled,Y/n stood up and fixed herself and wiped her tears while Nalie helping her.

He slowly back away,and return to the hall, without them noticing him.

"I'm sorry,I accidentally knocked of the vase" said Isa coming out from behind the walls "Miss Y/n,boss was looking for you"

"Uh,Wan Yeo?" Y/n asked looking puzzled.

Right,they invited him so ofcourse.

She nodded "Please lead me to him".


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