Some Prayer Tips

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Some Prayer Tips

It's important to pray once you wake up and also before you head to bed. What can help build that habit is to pray after you've taken a shower and changed.

After you've taken a shower, you're already in your room and a quiet space. So, what you can do is play worship music as you change. I've done this and would pray right after I'm done. At night you can do the same thing. You can play worship music as you change to your pyjamas then pray.

It's good because sometimes we can get busy and procrastinate on prayer but since you're already in your bedroom and playing worship, you don't have much of an excuse so you start building that habit of praying in the morning and before you head to bed. What I particularly liked about doing this was that everyone knew I was changing so no one disturbed me to do any tasks for them for a while. The worship music can be praise that helps you thank God and honor Him and it can be music that brings you to deep worship. Whatever it is, it can help set that tone for prayer and surrender before God.

Second, I would say to build that personal relationship with God. Surrender your day into His hands. Ask for His guidance, for Him to use you, for His protection, for His wisdom, and also ask for Him to help you not fall into sin and temptation but remain in His will and way. Ask Him to help you resist the devil and flee from temptation.


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