Reading The Word And Tools With It

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The Bible, devotionals, podcasts, teachings etc

All these can help you grow in knowledge of the word. This also builds the foundation of God's word in your heart and mind. When God's word is in you like a foundation, you won't be easily shaken.  The most important thing you can do is read God's word for yourself daily. Each day, make sure that you spend time reading the Bible. Choose a time when you aren't very busy or aren't very distracted. A time when most people won't bother you. Try reading God's word in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

Read the word of God every day. Set up a time to meditate and read God's word.

Don't rush your time in the word. Study the word at least where you feel you learned or gained something. 

Listen to podcasts, and sermons and read devotionals, teachings etc. This is something you can do while exercising, cleaning, organising your clothes etc. This is something you can do whenever you're busy. For example, I often listen to sermons/podcasts when I'm cooking and washing the dishes.
For logs, devotionals etc
You can read these whenever you're not at home. For example, if you have school very early morning, you might not be able to read your Bible the way you want so reading a blog post or devotional can help start your day as you're at school, on the bus, at a hospital etc.

Then once you're home and focused you can read the word. Reading the Bible is more of a priority than devotionals and other tools that help us learn from the word but those tools can be helpful to help us mature in our faith.

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