Envy Tips

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Dealing with envy tips

In a very basic definition, envy is you wanting something someone else has.

First go to God in prayer. When I begin envying someone I ask Him to fill me with love for that person because envying someone means you don't love them. I ask God to break that envy and let me love instead.

Next, I try to pray for the person. I pray for the very thing I'm envying and start asking God to do even more for them. The reason why the enemy tempts us to envy is because envy pushes us to sin, get angry, have hatred, want to see the person in pain etc but when we do the opposite of what the enemy wants it weakens the power of that envy. So praying for the person's prosperity and blessing will start breaking whatever hatred that's building in you for them.

If someone has a gift you want. Pray that God grows and develops that gift. Pray Goad uses them more. When you we do this we go against the assignment of envy in our lives and instead move in the assignment of love. Envy can come but it's what we do with it that's important.

And lastly, I try to celebrate the person. I tell them how happy I am and I pray for them, encourage them and compliment them.


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