I Don't Like Standing Out

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I don't like standing out. I want to fit in with my peers and I don't want to be a holier-than-thou person either

Hm, based on what you've said I would guess you're a teen/young adult. It's very common to have FOMO (fear of missing out) and to want to fit in as a teen and young adult. That's one of the biggest issues we have as young people. We don't like being seen as different. We fear what others might think of us and make decisions based on that.

Remember what path you're in. You're in the path of light and a narrow path. In this narrow path, few take it. It's not crowded to follow Christ in our world today. You need to understand why you're doing what you do.

You chose this path because you'll be a light, for Christ's glory, for the kingdom, to gain souls and to impact other people's lives. The path you're choosing leads to heaven, peace and ultimate satisfaction. What everyone chooses leads to death, temporary happiness and eternal unrest.

You saw two roads and picked the least crowded road. A road filled with persecution and hate just for following Christ but a road that leads to receiving the crown of life.

What your peers do in the long run will cost their souls. There is no point in choosing temporary happiness over eternal peace. When we shift our perspective from what we want vs what's truly important then things will get easier.

As the holier and thou thing. The word holy means set apart. We shouldn't live self-righteous thinking because of our works and who we are that we are better. We also shouldn't hide our faith or water down our faith for others.

People won't like us because we follow Christ. That's something that you need to realise now already because living a life consecrated to God is something this world will find weird, silly and bad but you need to be willing to look foolish to the world but wise in heaven.

Matthew 10:32-33

Confess Christ Before Men

2 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.


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