Some Tips For Growing In Relationship With God

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Some Tips For Growing In Relationship With God

For some quick tips, I would say:

1) Surround yourself with what brings you closer to God.

This is friends, what you watch, hear, and see. If you're constantly receiving things that bring you closer to God, you'll be constantly learning more about God, growing in your faith, maturing, resisting sin, etc

2) Pray every day and read the word every day

It's not about the length but the heart. In your heart, decide to seek God earnestly. Surrender your day before God, ask for His strength, and ask for His peace, guidance, and wisdom. This constant communication with God and meditation on the word is how you grow in your relationship with God. You'll start becoming more sensitive to His voice and walk in the Spirit (aka, love, joy, peace, faithfulness, etc)

3) Remove everything that hinders your growth.

It's difficult to grow closer to God if something is pulling you further from God. So cut out what you know stops you from praying, worshipping, obeying, etc

God bless you and may He increase your thirst, hunger, and desire for Him. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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