Why Does God Lead Us To Temptation?

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Why Does God Lead Us To Temptation

We can be led to a season of being tempted so God allows us to be tested like He did with Jesus (Matthew 4:1). God allows and permits temptation to often test our knowledge of His word, our trust, and our dependency on Him. It's important to know God's heart behind allowing you to be tempted.

Here is a verse regarding it:

1 Corinthians 10:13
English Standard Version
13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide a way of escape, so that you may be able to endure it.

He allows temptation because it tests your character and maturity. It's not for God to know what level you are or whether you're mature or not. He already knows. Temptation helps us to see our growth as well. It allows us to see if we truly know how to apply God's word. If we truly are obedient. If we can handle certain situations without compromising.

Temptations inform us of what we still need to grow and improve on. Temptation reveals what's still lingering in our hearts as a weakness.

Temptation also helps us to recognize how weak we are and how much we need Jesus. How else will you ask God to strengthen you if you don't see your need for His strength? When you are face to face with situations that tempt you to do everything against God's word, it will remind you of your human limitations and weaknesses and just how much we need the Holy Spirit to live in this world.

Whenever you're tempted, see it as an opportunity to examine yourself, see where you are in your walk, and an opportunity to seek God even deeper, asking Him to help you overcome temptation.

You are never tempted by something you already didn't want or desire. Temptations are things we already want and desire, and if we fall into them,  it's often a sign that it was an area we neglected to properly surrender to God (repented from, asked for His deliverance, etc)

So ask Him now. Jesus said in His word that we should incorporate in our prayers that God may not lead us into temptation, but instead, deliverance is from evil.

Matthew 6:13
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.


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