Chapter Three

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Night fell. Olivia stood by the door, her thumbs twiddling with each other. She had gone through her entire day's routine. Her work within the pack's daycare was done, and she was free to go home for the day. Dinner for Bessel had been prepped and finished, and the table was all set.

All of her items were secretly packed for the trip, waiting underneath their bed. She held her breath as time passed slowly, the seconds ticking by.

Still no show. She checked the clock.
11:59 pm.

Just to be sure, she brushed the curtain away from the window. The driveway stood bare, his car not a moment in sight.

Her heart hammered. A slight grin threatened to break out on her face, but she stopped it from showing. Now was not the time to celebrate.

Now was time to flee.

She raced upstairs, her feet pounding on the carpet. Digging underneath the bed, she fished out all of her supplies.

Check. She had everything she needed for a few days. Her money included.

Now was time for the hardest part. Breaking through territory without the border patrol knowing-or her husband.

He was, unfortunately, the current Alpha of the pack. If anything were to happen, he would know.

But all hope was not lost. It was a double-edged sword for him to be her husband. He made her life a living hell, but she also knew his schedule. That included the schedule of every other individual within the pack. She knew the guard's schedules, too.

The guards would be switching out for the night. For twenty minutes, the lands were unpatrolled and kept wide open. Usually she would've secretly chastised on that because it was dangerous, and a major vulnerability for a pack.

Tonight, she thanked the Moon Goddess for the opportunity.

Then she took off, past the back door and into the starry, chilled night. Her backpack flapping behind her, she leaped into the air.

Words were willed through her mind. For the first time in four years, she wanted and willed. Under the power of the moon, she could feel the change happening within her skin.

It was uncomfortably itchy. Her skin grew taught, stretched beneath her. Her bones moaned in ache, both from the constant beatings she took and from how unused they had been.

As soon as the feelings came, it was over. She didn't need a mirror to know it had worked. All she had to do was look down at her paws resting on the forest floor, and a spark of happiness flicked throughout her chest.

She had to repress the feeling of wanting to howl, of wanting to tell the world that she was free.

Not yet. Maybe not ever, depending on whether or not her feet would fucking move.

Right. She had no time to dawdle. With a slight growl under her breath, she leaped again. This time she sprinted through the forest with a speed she did not know she possessed.

Around her, trees flitted by. The whole world was a complete blur, it was running by so fast. She could only rely on her nose to guide her, to track the scents of the most recent border patrol guards, the animals around her, and the positioning of the forest.

And Bessel.

That was definitely a scent she was familiar with, and a scent she would definitely avoid at all costs.

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