Chapter Twenty-Four

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The car shut off in the driveway. Alexis and Olivia got out of the car, both of them opening the backseat door to the sleeping children.

"Hey, we're home." Olivia shook Jasmine's shoulder, gently waking her up.

The older girls quietly grabbed the shopping bags, slowly herding the two younger girls inside the house.

It was quiet in the house.

They walked together to the private sectors before they each split off to do their own thing.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Olivia murmured to Jasmine. She got a dazed nod in response, Jasmine's eyes still a little glazed over from the car nap.

With bags strapped all down her arms and wrists, Olivia toted them down to the room her and Raiden shared.

The light was already turned off by the time her door creaked open. Olivia let the bags fall to the floor, her eyes staring intensely at Raiden's sleeping form in their bedsheets.

Her jaw was locked in a firm position-it was the entire car ride. In her head she had whispered the secret he kept from her so her anger wouldn't subside.

She wanted him to feel the brunt of her emotions. She wanted him to feel her raw anger.

It was unlike her. She was never allowed to be angry in her marriage.

She was going to allow herself that anger in this marriage.

She switched on the main light in the room. Stomping over to Raiden's side, she roughly pulled the sheets back from his body.

Immediately he startled awake, his confused expression meeting her angered one.


"Why didn't you tell me that Bessell challenged you?"


"Why didn't you tell me that Bessell challenged you?" She repeated, seething.

It took a moment for him to click his frazzled brain together. Olivia watched the moment it did. She watched the moment his look of dazed confusion morphed into something of self-defense.

"Who told you?"

Olivia crossed her arms. She held her chin up. "That's irrelevant. Why weren't you the one to tell me?"


"I what?" Olivia imitated.

It was Raiden's turn to become angry. "What are you so angry about? I was going to tell you when it was the right time."

She couldn't believe him. "The right time? When is the right time, exactly? When he comes knocking down our door? When he comes to drag me back?"

Raiden stood up. "Calm down."

"No, I will not calm down."


"Because-because-" Olivia sputtered. She threw her hands up in frustration. "Because I don't like information being withheld from me. I don't like being kept in the dark. I spent years trapped in that house. Years. My life feels like it's spiraling out of control. People are making decisions for me, once again. I bet you and your family don't even know anything about struggl-"

"Olivia," Raiden intercepted, his voice serious. "-don't."

She scoffed at him, stepping forward into his face. "Don't what?"

He stared down at her, his jaw clenched. "Don't make accusations about my family."

"And why not?" She gestured around to the room. "You all have it good. You're all happy. You've never lived like I've lived."

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