Chapter Fifteen

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Thirst awoke her. The air in the room felt hot and sticky. Her clothes were damp and clinging onto her. Her nausea roiled around her stomach, forcing her to take several deep breaths to hold it all down.

She tried swallowing but all she got in return was a prickle in her throat.

She tried moving her tongue around in her mouth. It felt heavy and dry.

Slowly, she untangled herself from the bed. Sometime between sobbing and staring at the ceiling she fell asleep. It must have been fitful sleep. The sheets were all knotted around her legs, clinging onto her.

As soon as she left the bed, the air felt slightly cooler.

She walked to the door and quietly unlocked it. Tentatively, she creaked the door open.

Her ears strained for any and all sound.

Except for the sounds and chirping of the night sky outside, there were no sounds. It was almost eerie, the house seemed even more looming than it already was.

As quietly as her bare feet could, she padded down the hallway. She took a right, and there were the stairs she remembered.

Grabbing onto the staircase, she tried to keep the creaking to a minimum. She was only searching for a glass of water, but for some strange reason she didn't want anyone to know she was up and wandering about the house.

She made it to the bottom safe and sound. In front of her stood a longer hallway that split off into different sections.

Her mind was frazzled for the proper direction. Memories from yesterday were completely blurred.

Eennie, meanie, mynie,

-moe. Her pointed finger stopped on a random doorway. On a whim, she chose that one.

Most houses designed all the rooms to be connecting.

Surely this one did too?

The hallway ended up being long, with minimal windows. She didn't remember it from yesterday-but then again she didn't have the best memory either way.

Suddenly the hallway rounded a corner. She was just about to reach it when she heard voices.

Male voices.


Author's Note: Hehehehe cliffhanger stipid bitches

- jk, I wrote much more than this.

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