Chapter Twelve

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The lights continued to pierce her eyes when she re-opened them. Olivia groaned in agony, bringing her hand up to shield the light.

Her head felt like it was splitting in two.

Slowly, she sat up in the cot. Nobody else was in the room with her, thankfully. It was eerily quiet except for the sounds of her feet hitting the floor.

She flicked the light switch in the corner. The lights shut off.

Then she laid back down.

Her body ached less than it did in the forest-though she might have been at risk for throwing up. With the way her chest burned-with the tight feeling in the back of throat-she wasn't completely sure.

She almost felt numb laying in that cot.

Her eyes haphazardly roamed the room, taking in it's medium size and empty state. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know what was next. She didn't know anyone, and she had no home to go back to.

Tears pricked at her eyes again. She blinked rapidly, trying to make them go away. She turned her head towards the cot, burying it in the fabric.

Silent sobs wracked her body, jittering their way up her form and trickling out in intense emotion.

She was ruined.

She needed more time. She needed the whole world to just stop for a little while, to just let her rest. She needed the Moon Goddess to just answer her prayers, to either just outright kill her or give her more time.

A hand touched the top of her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

Olivia's body jumped up on it's own accord. She threw her body away from him, bringing her arms around herself on instinct.

They both stared at each other, frozen in the moment.

His eyes were wide, looking at her own teary-eyed ones. Slowly, he brought his hand back to his side.

She looked away. Her hands scrubbed at her eyes, trying to erase any evidence. Then she cleared her throat, trying to find anything else to say in the moment that wasn't painfully awkward.

"Where am I?" She asked softly, still averting his gaze.

"You're in the Red Moon Pack." He answered.

Oh. She inhaled sharply, not quite sure what to think of that. It was exactly the pack she wanted to avoid-mostly because of how dangerous they had seemed.

And yet, here she was, sitting in one of their nursing rooms next to...

Who was he?

"Who are you?" She voiced out.

This time the man cleared his throat a little. His gaze was still on her, but not as strong as before. He scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm Alpha Raiden, the leader of this pack."

She had to physically stop herself from leaning further away from him. Her eyes raked up his form, taking him in a new light. This time, he seemed less cute to her. More handsome-but more intimidating.

Not quite the boyish man he looked like when she was half dead.

Wasn't the leader supposed to be ruthless?

"You don't look any older than me. Where did you find me? Wait, no," She held her hand up, "What do you intend on doing with me?"

Raiden straightened himself a little, then sighed, running a hand through his hair. He scooted a chair from the wall towards her cot, then sat himself down in it.

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